Another Day

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"Get up, before I shove this pole where the sun don't shine, beautiful."

You slowly opened your eyes to lock them with Jungkook.

'No... Please, not today.'

"Do I have to repeat myself?" He raised his voice a bit, making you tense up.

"N-no..." You stuttered, scared of what he was gonna do next. With that, you got up and stood in front of him, bracing his next actions.

"Good." He smirk at you, making you feel shivers down your spine. He stepped closer to you, as if by automatic, your feet start moving backwards until your back presses against the cold wall. You gasped at the feeling.

"You have nowhere to run, Jimin won't find you here, so I might as well claim you mine now." He laughed, putting his arms either side of you.

"N-no... I won't e-ever be yours!" You scream at him. By the look on his face, he was surprised at your actions.

"Did you just scream at me?" You gave him a scared look, which gave him more confidence.

"Well, I think you deserve a slap for that!" As you felt him spitting on your face from how angry he was, you also felt a hand go across your face, leaving a stinging sensation behind.

'Ouch, please no more!'

"Doesn't seem that one made you cry, I guess it will take more slaps then." He smiled, slapping you around the face two more times. Both of your cheeks were now red, stingy and painful. Not long after, tears were falling.

"There we go, finally." He laughed.

'Why do you want me to cry? What does it do? What kind of pleasure does it give you!?'

Jungkook saw that you weren't paying attention which made him slap you again.

"Stop slapping me!" You cried out, not that it was any use because he done it again, straight after.

"Hmm, I like it when you beg me." He pulled your chin up so you'd be looking at him and then pushed his lips against yours, as much as you hated him, you just needed some comfort.

"Ah.. So, you do like me kissing you, huh?" You widened your eyes as you realised what you had done, but you could say at this point that you were... Desperate.

"No, I don't.. I hate it like I hate you..." You spilled tears, remembering the nice Jungkook that you knew for a while.

"Why can't you be like the Jungkook I used to know?" You asked, not caring now if he hit you or killed you, you just wanted answers to those questions.

"Because, I don't like you, I never will from now on. I guess you could say your 'Bully' is back." And with that, he left the room, leaving you in the darkness, alone.

You looked around to find something to entertain you while he was gone. You came across your phone, it had a few cracks on but it still had charge.

"Come on phone... Please work, please." You begged, and it worked. You were able to get into your phone and access your messages. As you were about to send one to Jimin, a notification came up saying 'No service, please try again later.'

"Argh! No!" You hit the back of your head on the back of the wall in anger. The only thing you could try next was to call the police.

Calling...  Calling...  Calling...

'Sorry, if we haven't picked up it means we are dealing with a serious case. If you are in trouble please dial **** to 07****9**, thank you.'

You quickly tapped in the other number and sent a message, this time it sent.

You: Please help! I've been kidnapped by my ex and he won't tell me or my boyfriend where I am, he's been abusing me and I'm scared, my boyfriend doesn't know where I am and he's scared too! He's been warned that if he doesn't find me soon, then he's never going to see me again, please help me!

Now you just had to wait, but first you needed to turn your volume down and you needed a place to hide the phone. The first one was easy, but the second one was harder, Jungkook puts everything around the room and all he has to do is look around the small room and he'd find it.

You spent 10 minutes thinking before an idea popped into your head. You got up and grabbed the phone and hid it.

Under the little plank of wood, under the carpet of the floor.


I finally updated! I hope you enjoy this! This books sadly coming to an end but I'll be publishing more stories so I hope you enjoy them! Vote and comment! Ilysm!

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