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[I'm sorry if this is a bad chapter.]

Just a few hours ago, you were with him. Sat on his bed, watching movies while snuggling up to him.

Now...he's in bed with some other girl...his sister.

[Okay that bit just reminded me of someone at my school that makes up a song that's like "incest is best" lmao sorry.]

You didn't want to get up off the sofa. Your whole body was stiff and in pain. You had too many (invisible/mental) weights on you, causing you to become weak.

Your phone rang 13 times but you couldn't be bothered to answer any of those. People knocked on your front door, you knew exactly who.

"Y/N, please. Just..let me in."their soft voice drowning you, making you cry, wishing you had never met them. And hear the most hated voice of all.

"Come on, Jungkookie...I wanna play before mommy and daddy get back."

You lost it.

You stormed up to the door, rapidly opened it and looked at the girl, her fingers intertwined with his.


She flinched as you screamed but you couldn't care less. You couldn't care if the whole world could hear you.

You continued to swear at her, abuse her until she fought back.

"Don't you dare, ever think about coming one foot in this house, again. Cause I swear to god, oh I swear to god! I will kill you." After that statement, you slammed the door on their faces.

As soon as you knew they were gone, you let all your emotions out. Your tears, anger, loneliness, sadness, childishness. You screamed and shouted.


A few days had passed. Your mum started getting worried so she took you to the doctors. You weren't eating or drinking, you had lost weight but you didn't care. You didn't want to be here. You didn't want to be alive.

You left the doctors feeling the exact same as you went in. They had prescribed you some anti-depressiants that you had to take every 4 hours.

"Come on, Y/N, you need to take them!" Your mother whined, giving you the pills and a glass of water.

"Why? It's not like it maters anyway?!" You yelled at her. She stopped what she was doing and you saw a tear fall down her face as she rushed out. You felt even worse. You hated hurting your mother, you never dared of doing it. You never wanted to hurt your mum like now.

You threw the pills in the bin and placed the glass on the side. You then ran out of the house, to only a place that you and Jungkook knew. The pretty field.

You sat amongst the flowers, they were relaxing and calming. It was a calming environment in general. Your phone was constantly buzzing and ringing but you simply ignored them, except one.

Incoming call....Taehyung

You picked it up but stayed quiet.

"Y/N, where are you?!"
"Please, we're all worried! Where are you?"

You couldn't help but sob quietly at his voice. He sounded a lot like Jungkook.

The call ended shortly but nothing else stopped, the messaging continued and the other phone calls continued as well.

"Y/N?" You heard come from behind you. You turned around and saw

"W-what are you doing here!" You ran up to him and hugged him, tightly.

"Your mother has been telling me that you've become a state, sweetheart tell me what's happened." He lead you to a bench where you both sat for a while. You were still trying to process that your dad was here.

I thought you were dead.

'Sweetie, I'm an angel now, I'm not coming back forever but I'll stay a while'


After you had told your dad what happened, he brought you into a bear hug.

"Why haven't you told anyone about this boy?" He asked, wiping a tear from your cheek away.

"Because....I love him, but he'll never understand, he just likes to play with my feelings like I'm a toy! It's not fair!" You shouted. Just then, a face appeared that you didn't want to see again. Jungkook.

"What are you doing here?!" You screamed, he didn't flinch, he came closer. You moved away and looked around for your dad to help you but he was gone.

"D-dad....." you felt tears prick your eyes and fall. You thought he was back forever, but he wasn't. Soon you felt warm arms wrap around your waist and a head pop on your shoulder. At this point you couldn't be bothered anymore. You wanted to be with your dad.

"Jungkook, get off." You spoke but he held on tighter.

"You still hurt me when I'm already hurt, you know, you can't break something when it's already broken." You slapped his hand but he still didn't move.

"Jeon Jungkook, get your arms off of me!" You shouted.

"No! Because as soon as you leave this field, you'll go home and you won't eat! You'll starve and die!"

"Well that's what I'm going to do! That's what I want to do!"

"What! And cause pain for your mum? You're the only thing she's got left!"

"Shut up, just shut it! You don't know anything that I've been through, you've just enjoyed it like it was a comedy show to you!" You screamed louder with your face going red and tears streaming down your face. 

"I haven't enjoyed it one bit, in fact I hated it!"


You stood up and ran off, with Jungkook running after you.

"Go away! Leave me alone, I never want to see you again!" You turned a corner and then another, to a place that no one knew it actually existed.

'Maybe you'll realise how much I mean to you when I'm gone'

You entered the abandoned building and climbed up the ladder. You reached the top and looked out of the balcony that was old and rusty, it could snap any minute.

You avoided looking down at the height, but looked around. One last time.


[What do you guys think of that? Long chapter, I know I'm sorry not sorry. I don't know if you guys want me to write a book 2 after this book is completed? Comment what you want♡]

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