|| Xeno'jiiva ||

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Now came the most harrowing part of all trying to find a way to turn Tom back to a human, Charlotte didn't mind Tom as Nergigante but it was hard trying to hug him with all them spikes, Charlotte was in her quarters reading about other Elder Dragons, she got this book from the Elder Wyverian, as she was getting up still clinging onto the book a small note fell out one of the pages.

Charlotte: "Huh, what's this?"

Sadly the writing on this note wasn't English therefore Charlotte couldn't understand it, maybe taking it to the Elder would give her some answers, only time will tell.

Charlotte headed out into the Ancient Forest where the Elder likes to stay mostly up on high branches, she always saw him by the bottom of Rathalos' nest, as predicted he was there waiting, probably knew Charlotte was coming to him for answers to be honest.

Charlotte: "Elder, I was reading your book when suddenly this note fell out, i can't understand what it says, could you please tell me?"

The Elder Wyverian put out his hand for her to place the note into it and she did.

Elder Wyverian: "There are 9 Elder Dragons. Once human no longer. A cure forgotten."

Charlotte: "What?..."

Charlotte got no more out of the Elder and was left with a presumed riddle, she walked back to her quarters in Astera and decided to think on it, once back she sat down at her table remembering the words he said.

Charlotte: "There are 9 Elder Dragons, well that ones pretty obvious. Once human no longer? Tom was a human and then turned into a dragon but how? does this mean the others were once human as well and that something turned them into monsters? I'll have to ask. A cure forgotten? So there is a cure for it but people have forgotten it pretty simple, that's gonna be the hard part, finding that cure, ugh"

It was the next day and Charlotte was up almost all night thinking about what this cure could be, the first thing on her list to do was go and see Nergigante to ask him about the other Elder Dragons and what turned him into a dragon, on her way she managed to find Nergi sat by the beach with Deviljho guessing they were playing in the sand or something, Charlotte walked over to Nergi and he was happy to see her.

Charlotte: "Not that you'll be able to reply but i came here asking about something i found yesterday, a note in a book i was reading was speaking about all the Elder Dragons, you were in it and so were 9 others, but anyway on this note it said that all the Elder Dragons were once human now the hunters dont know about this because i got this book from an Elder Wyverian, it also said there was a cure, so if you can in some way tell me what made you this dragon then i think thats a probable cure?"

Charlotte waited for a response as Nergi took everything she just said in.

Charlotte: "Uh, fine i doubt you'd be-."

Nergigante: "It was blue slime."

Charlotte: "Oh my god you just spoke and i can understand you!"

Nergi nodded in response.

Charlotte: "Right anyway you said blue slime, now where did you find this blue slime?"

Nergigante: "It fell off the back of some giant volcano dragon and that was it."

Charlotte knew exactly what dragon this was, but he doesnt secrete blue slime, he wasnt the culprit nor did he have the cure.

Charlotte: "Right this is going to be trickier than i thought, im going to have to find another Elder Dragon to find out where they got their blue slime from, but i dont know if any of them would be up for talking, worth a try though."

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