|| Family In Surprising Places ||

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After meeting her new "watchers" Charlotte decided to go and speak to the Commander and see if he had any jobs for her to do.

Charlotte: "Hello Commander"

Commander:"Ah just the hunter i was looking for, i have a special request for you and a few of the other A-Listers."

Charlotte: "Oh? What is it?"

Commander: "I need you, Red Head and Girly to travel to the Coral Highlands and inspect these unusual tracks that have been appearing, take The Handler with you as well."

Charlotte: "Okay, this creature what are we doing with it exactly?"

Commander: "Capturing it, i do not want you to kill the beast, track it and capture it do whatever you can to stop it from escaping, the researchers will need this new specimen."

Charlotte: "Okay sir!"

Commander: "Now go!"

Charlotte wasn't happy about this traveling to the Coral Highlands to find a new monster and having to capture it, that was pretty much saying kill it subtly, but nonetheless Charlotte had to do what the Commander said and she followed the rest of the team to the Highlands.

After a long restless journey Charlotte and the crew manage to finally get to the Highlands a plethora of new species awaits, but first she needed to keep an eye out for these mysterious tracks, being in a band of baboons didn't help but soon enough she manage to find some oddly coloured pink scales, these scales were a very prominent pink which means this monster is fairly young of age, she followed the rest of the scales to find some gashes which clearly indicated that this monster was a flying Wyvern. Continuing to follow these tracks she came across a huge footprint, weird it was shaped like a Rathian or Rathalos foot, no definitely Rathian it was smaller.

Then suddenly a black shadow shrouded above Charlotte it was indeed a Pink Rathian, she looked down at Charlotte and came to inspect her eyes filled with pools of adoration, Charlotte was a little confused but then had a though, no it can't be. Until a hunter shot a ballista into the poor Wyvern.

Charlotte: "No!"

Her plead to make them stop didn't work soon enough her tail was sliced off and she fell asleep due to the trauma.

Red Head: "What are you doing Charlotte this is what we came to do"

She stood there silent in total shock, the group carried the monster back to base whilst Charlotte sat there opened her journal and picked one of the pink scales from the ground and placed it in her book.

After returning to base Charlotte decided she didn't want to be around these hunters for a while so she went to take a stroll through the Ancient Forest, after walking passed multiple monsters depressingly she thought it'd be a good idea to go and visit Rathian and see how she's doing and possibly see if Deviljho is there so she could at least have some fun, climbing up the great tree to finally make it to the nest, she was right Rathian was there sunbathing whilst Jho was napping.

Charlotte: "Hello old girl"

Charlotte smiled walking up to Rathian, until she started acting weird, she began to rear up and hiss her eyes were super wide as if she was terrified of something, but why would she be scared of Charlotte? Oh yes she had the scale left in her journal the scale that belonged to that Pink Rathian and that said monster was indeed Rathian's daughter.

Charlotte: "Easy girl whats wrong? Wait, is it this?"

Charlotte said pulling out the scale from the pages, Rathian looked shocked but a surprised happy shock.

Charlotte: "Is this, your, daughter....?"

Rathian gave a joyful nod, but Charlotte was now even more depressed at the fact she helped hunters capture her, that must've been why the Pink Rathian looked so happy to see her, i wonder if there is any more family Charlotte doesn't know about.

Charlotte: "I know where you're daughter is, she was captured by hunters and is trapped in our base, i can show you her if you want?"

And with that an approving kneel was given to Charlotte to say that it was okay to mount Rathian and , she swooped off into the sky and Charlotte directed her where to go.

Once they were close enough Charlotte thought of a plan to help the Pink Rathian to escape, it was nighttime so that was in her favor, Charlotte sneakily wandered through the village until she managed to find where the Pink Rathian was, she walked up to it smiling, she began to stroke its head but then something was off, she listened and the Pink wasn't breathing she then had a close inspection and there was poison inside and around its mouth, it was poisoned to death, Charlotte had no idea what to do, how is she gonna explain this to Rathian, she'll be heartbroken, Charlotte gave Pink Rathian a kiss upon the crown of her head and got up to leave, she walked over to Rathian head down refusing to look her in the eye, Rathian's happy face turned into a worried confused look, she started wheezing and nuzzling Charlotte.

Charlotte: "I'm sorry..."

Rathian's face dropped and she rose up to fly into the air seeing her daughter laying dead inside the hunters base she flew back to her nest to grieve over this trauma and with that Charlotte walked towards her campsite by the sea.

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