|| New Friends? ||

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Rathian had kept the promise to keep Charlotte safe and protected though most of the time she found it difficult with being old and tired all the time, she thought long and hard and needed someone else to keep an eye on Charlotte, Rathian traveled to the Wildspire Waste in search of another monster to protect her, as she was walking around the swamps she saw a huge Wyvern with weird scale sacks under his neck and tail, he looked menacing and probably unapproachable but she still tried, she spoke to the brute his name was Bazelguese and he was a very agressive Wyvern more than Rathalos but nonetheless she still tried Bazel offered to help out if this human was truly a savior and could communicate with the monsters but he did want something in return, he wanted to take down the mighty Deviljho, Rathian thought about this but not in the way Bazel would've wanted she thought that she could get them two to be friends and in return they could both protect Charlotte, she gave Bazel a nod and flew of.

Whilst Rathian was flying back home she went in search of Deviljho, she had an idea on how to plan this out she grabbed a baby Aptonoth flew up into the air and dropped it and soon after Jho appeared and grabbed the baby, Rathian flew down and pinned him to the ground she spoke to him saying how Bazelgeuse wanted to fight him but also spoke about how Charlotte was their savior from the hunters and how he and Bazel need to work together to protect her Jho in the Ancient Forest and Bazel in Wildspire Waste, he agreed unwillingly and wanted to meet this tiny human by the name of Charlotte.

Charlotte was sat in Rathian's nest waiting for here to come back. She arrived later and gave Charlotte a look of relief.

Rathian: "Growl~ protectors ~ Growl"

Charlotte: " What....You-you just spoke?"

Rathian nodded.

Charlotte: "Protectors? well i guess i'll find out who they are soon enough"

Charlotte was walking around the Ancient Forest searching for her dinner tonight, she was sat in a tree bow in hand ready to shoot a baby Aptonoth, slowly lining up her aim a huge green dinosaur appeared out of nowhere and killed the Aptonoth Charlotte was planning on eating, the green monster looked up to exactly where she was and gave her a menacing look, she thought the monster was gonna kill her but little did she know that was one of her new protectors, she jumped down the tree and stood in front of him, confused at the fact he didn't bother to eat her she knew exactly what this monster was, Deviljho, he gave her a look of relief and began to get close to nuzzle her Charlotte was still pretty scared of him but let him do what he was going to do and soon after they built a bond together and Deviljho offered to help her collect food for her dinner that night.

A few days later Charlotte had to travel to the Wildspire Waste because The Handler found some "suspicious tracks" and needed Charlotte's help with deducting them, she turned up with her journal and inspected the tracks they werent from any monster Charlotte new about so she followed the tracks down to where Diablos' nest is but these definitely weren't Diablos tracks, maybe something had defeated him and took his nest she peered around the corner and a huge Wyvern definitely bigger than a Rathalos, this was amazing what a beautiful specimen, she began to write about the new species little did she realize it was right above her looking down at what she was doing

  𝐀 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora