|| You Can't Sneeze Underwater ||

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It was daybreak and Charlotte spent the night in a tent by the seaside, the blazing sun glaring into the tents entryway, Charlotte got out and had a big stretch, her stomach rumbled she was starving having not eaten all night she wasn't used to that, she looked around but nothing was edible.

Charlotte: "Ah well trusty old fishing rod it is."

She sighed and began to walk over to the edge of the water, she plonked down her little chair and waited, and waited, and waited. It was round about 3 in the afternoon bearing in mind she woke up at 7am, now she was exhausted and hungry.


She heard loud, very loud walking right behind her....

It was an Anjanath! It screeched at her, she didn't know what to do her weapons were back at base, Deviljho was somewhere eating every single thing on the island and Bazelgeuse wasn't even in this area, all she could do was kite the Anjanath around her tent after a tiring twenty minutes of running from one end of the beach to another the Anja caught on and was smart enough to wack Charlotte with its tail sending her flying right back to where she was, pinned up against a rock she had no idea what to do if only some miracle would happen, this was the end.

When suddenly, Lagiacrus shot through the sea and latched onto the Anjanath's neck, dragging him back into the sea, Charlotte sat there in total disbelief, Lagi was thrashing around in the water sinking his teeth more and more into the poor Anjanath blood began to stain the water red and the herbivores scuttled off, then all of a sudden it was quiet, silence after a few minutes of waiting Lagiacrus came out of the water and greeted Charlotte with a bellowing roar.

Charlotte: "LAGI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

She screamed hurrying towards him to suffocate him in all her love, he sat there with a pleased look on his face returning the hug back.


Charlotte and Lagiacrus sat beside where the sea meets the sand.

Charlotte: "Oh Lagi, I've missed you so much."

Charlotte said almost tearing up, Lagi giving an appreciative moan in response, they sat by the sea splashing about having fun, building sandcastles and trying to bury each other, Lagi always won that one, hide and seek, not to mention the delicious fish they caught, which they would later eat that night.

Charlotte: "Lagi, i always remember the very first time i saw you, as a little leviathan, hungry for fish, you'd wait at the edge of the water for your mother to come back and every time she did the catch of fish got bigger and bigger, until both you and i were full of fish, we always tried to get Rathalos to try some, but he was always sick remember?"

Charlotte laughed with Lagi holding him tightly, Charlotte was so happy her best friend was back in her life, she couldn't dream of another without him, he was her other world, her other love, but it would never fill that void of Tom, but Charlotte was too joyful to think about that, for the rest of the day and night they stayed up frying fish and playing in the sea, Charlotte couldn't ask for anything more.

  𝐀 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon