|| Operation Approval ||

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After a day of waiting impatiently, Charlotte had to introduce everyone else to Nergigante otherwise it could cost her everything, Nergi might die and that means Tom could die or he could kill her friends, there is three people on her list she needs to introduce, the third being the hardest and last for a reason, anyway the first was Deviljho, seen as he likes to spend his time in the Ancient Forest might as well make him first.

Charlotte told Nergigante her plan and he was happy to go through with it but insisted that if they attack first he would be able to defend himself, she had to agree to this cause god knows how Deviljho will treat him, they searched far and wide looking for Jho and still no sign of him, they had been looking for exactly 3 hours and were just about to give up when...

Suddenly Deviljho was walking straight towards Nergigante, giving him a stone cold glare, not up for reasoning by the looks of things, Charlotte was instantly a bit stressed out.

Charlotte: "Look Jho i know he's a giant monster that could potentially hurt me but its okay, he's a good dragon he's..."

Deviljho completely blanking Charlotte still walking towards Nergigante with a cold glare refusing to take his eyes off him, Nergi on the other hand was confused by the situation as he didn't know if this guy was a threat or just being a bit odd, then Deviljho stopped as soon as he got as close as he could, but he didn't do anything he just stood there looking Nergi right in the eyes, all Nergi could do was stare back but i believe that was a bad idea as Jho began to glow red as his blood flowed through him, he reared back and Nergi thought this was an attack so he charged at Jho sending him to the ground, now Jho was really mad so mad he forgot Charlotte was beneath his feet and he almost trampled her to death, Jho and Nergi were swinging for each other, Nergi trying to headbutt him or grab him and Jho trying to slam him down with his tail swipe, soon enough they both got exhausted and Charlotte had to really step in.

Charlotte: "Please! stop fighting Deviljho this is Nergigante and hes a friend, Nergigante this is Deviljho and hes one of my protectors Rathian sent to look after me, this isn't going to get us anywhere so if you both could act reasonable and stop it we can actually get on with finding a cure for Tom to turn him back into a human."

After realizing what she just said Jho seemed shocked and was a little jealous that this new dragon swooped in claiming to be Charlotte's long lost love, Jho then walked off in a huff to never return unless Nergigante wasn't there.

Charlotte: "I mean, he'll come back he always does, aha."

After managing to win Jho over there was the second obstacle which involved, Bazelgeuse and having to travel to the Wildspire Waste which also meant lots and lots of cool drinks, so they decided to head off in search for Bazel.

After making it to the Wildspire Waste hot and bothered all Charlotte could do was down her last bit of water before walking ahead of Nergigante who decided to rest for a bit Charlotte didn't realize as she was too hot to notice, Nergigante saw her wondering off and decided to pick up the pace towards her when suddenly, WHOOSH! She was taken off the ground by some big Wyvern, could this be?


Yes indeed it was, he snatched Charlotte off the ground thinking Nergigante was a threat towards her, Charlotte terrified out of her life fainted, but could faintly hear them speaking.

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