Start from the beginning

I would like to thank each of the above mentioned readers for all the love they have shown me throughout this Book as they took the time in sending me their thoughts/theories And boy did I enjoy reading and commenting to all your messages and some was quite funny, had me LMAO, you know who you are 😂 I really appreciate each of you for showing such interest and for sometimes boosting my little ego 😂 I LOVE YOU ALL TOO BITS...!!!! 💜 I really hope you all will continue to do so in book 4, Y'ALL ARE AMAZEBALLZZZZZ 👏👏👏


Now I do not want to forget my silent readers, who showed their support by voting on each and EVERY CHAPTER. Again if I skipped your name I'm terribly sorry, I was just following my notifications, those names that ALWAYS popped up are as follows:

purneetxo  forever539  hellokitty79
littleone1978kathy RosalizaGellang
troublesome15 mellerz95  lucknesss
Deeva_06  Charm124  tahika1
TijanaPapara user12895050
Kimibei @Mukangah YasmeenG99
klouis14  SharonThompson671
shawnaplattyyyy  testimonyj
taylorbanda94  HeatherLaffey2
TracyMcgill0  kopiga06
harleenkb  Bheckhie Yashyxxboo

(And soooooo much more, but if I added anymore I would be here for a while 😫)

I would like to thank each and everyone of the above mentioned readers for all the votes you have given this book, I really appreciate it, you have no idea how much that means to me and how much an author really appreciates those votes. I know it doesn't take much to press that little star on the bottom left corner of your screens, but the fact that you guys made sure to do so in every chapter means the world to me. SO THANK YOU!!!👏👏👏 AND I LOVE YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT 💜 I really hope to see you all in book 4 and hopefully y'all will start sending in comments as well 😏 I would love to hear from you😘

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