Chapter 36 - I GOT YOU...

Start from the beginning

As I read her message, my vision started to blur from the tears that she just brought out of me, if only she knew how much I don't deserve her love, how much I don't deserve HER! She deserves the truth, God forbid she wants to be let go after hearing the truth but either way, I WILL fight for her, I should fight for her, the way I should've done hours ago.

ME: Always baby... Because YOU are my home!

I typed that last message, meaning every word. I just hope the way she feels about me now, doesn't change when I tell her what I had done and was pretty damn close to going all the way, but no matter how far I went, it was fucking wrong and I know it! Because no matter what happens between us or whatever gets fucked up with the business or my brother, I shouldn't run away and try and fuck up my family, fuck up my life just because I'm in a bad headspace.

I should learn to open up to her and not give a fuck what my brother or the damn code says! She is my woman and I should be able to talk to her about anything and everything that bothers me or that pisses me off, or in this case, something that hurt and at the same time both of the above too, all of which I chose to keep from her to protect a brother I trusted and whom betrayed said trust. Something made me look up and it turns out to be at the right time as I noticed Kiara's Audi pulling out of the entrance Gates of the resort.

I immediately roared my baby to life, waited a few seconds to make sure no other car exist after hers that could be following her, and when I was sure no one was coming, which was both alarming and confusing since I expected him to follow her or send someone to do so but nothing, and that's both a relief and disappointing, since I already had my gun out and ready for some much needed action. But since that clearly wasn't about to happen, I instead put my car in gear and followed behind her at a safe distance.

Over an hour later, I noticed we were getting close to the turn off that would lead to the main Gates of the Estate, and as soon as we got close I parked my car on the side of the road and watched as she turned into the road and I waiting for a few more minutes to make sure no one was behind us who would follow behind her when I turn my car around to head back since the estate is the last place I want to be right now since I have some much needed digging to do. After I was sure no one was coming and that Kiara would be safe in the grounds of the estate by now, I turned my car around and sped away, going to the closest bar which is just about an hour away.

As soon as I got there, I parked my car near the entrance, reached over and grabbed my mini laptop, one I hardly ever use but keep it close for times like this when I don't have my laptop with me, and grabbed both phones and my wallet from the glove compartment. After securing my gun in waistband, I got out of the car and made my way into the bar not many visit, since this is close to the turn off that leads to the rough side of the outskirts of the City, plus it's bicker territory, or so they like to make others believe, but they know who they bow down to.

Nodding at the barmen, one that knows who I am, I made my way to the table that faces the windows and got my mini laptop on and my beer was sat down next to me without me having to order it. Thanking him, I took a much needed gulp and started my search, one I'm sure Elijah had not done and one I knew needed to be done now. After today's events with Kiara, I know that asshole is hiding something big and I knew exactly who to investigate in order to uncover more about this asshole's motives, if not that, then at least it'll clear up some of the unanswered yet confusing things that have been fucking up my brain.

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