Raphael ( time line chap 11 )

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His kiss began softly, slowly gaining passion. Raphael never imagined that he's such a really good kisser.

-I like it.
"..Mmmm "
He couldn't stop moaning.

"Ah, You like it...sweet. Do you want more?"
He smirked as he apart from him.

Raphael glared at him. He feels humiliated. His face turned red.

"Arlight! cut! Let's have 10 minutes break!"
People start to move as director said.

"....Raphael, are you alright?"
Singto tapped his shoulder and gave him a water bottle.

Raphael looked at Singto as if he work up from a nice dream suddenly.

"Drink your water. Today is so dry, we will dehydrate without noticing it."
As he gave one to Raphael, Singto gulped his water,too.

"..Thank you."
Raphael sipped his water by staring at Singto's thin lips.

Singto frowned.

"Nothing. I just ..Say, how do you feel to being here as an actor...again..?"
Raphael asked.

"I felt nostalgic acting here. Actually, I  want to do my internship as cameraman assistant or something relating with backstage work."
Singto gave him a wry smile.

"Why? You are so good at acting.Why do you want to do other staff?"
Raphael frowned.

"Creating something is my passion. I like acting, too, but I love shooting other people. I want to make own movie one day, I promised.."
Singto pursed his lips.

"Promised with who?"
Raphael looked at him.

".........maybe they don't remember it any more."
Singto shook his head.

"I can be on your movie ! I will! I will be on your drama for FREE!"
Raphael said quickly before Singto return to work.

Singto widened his eyes.

"Yeah. why not?"
Raphael smiled at him that always reminds Singto someone, someone he really miss.

"..Fine. Maybe one day."
Singto smiled at him.

"Well, we've got to go again, Lucifer."
Raphael crossed his arms around Singto.


- Ah.. It's not what I'm looking for.
Raphael opened his eyes and Stopped to continue to do with a beautiful boy who is a lead singer of very popular group. His curly blond hair, ocean blue eyes and pink lips are irresistible.
- Should be..
"....mmm...ha.. Ra... Raphy?"
He looks at Raphael.
His body went rigid, and confusion crossed his features.

Raphael looked at him apolitically.

"Why? Are you tired?"
He asked.

"No. I mean..yeah..I guess. I just realized that I have early shooting tomorrow. Sorry."
Raphael frowned.

"Oh..it's alright. Call me when you are free next time."
He winked at him.
Raphael hugged the boy and kissed his forehead, and walked away from his apartment.

- What the hell!
Raphael got frustrated while he is driving back home.
He was dated cutie pie and he should enjoy it but he couldn't. He keeps remembering the kiss that he did with Singto at drama shooting today.
- I don't understand why it's such a big deal for me?
".... Gosh, I can't stop thinking about him."
Raphael shook his head and opened his condominium.
It was very quiet.

"....? Singto ?"
He called his name as he walks to Singto's room.
Raphael knocked the door of his.
"Singto? Are you home?"

Singto didn't answered so he opened the door.
It was dark.
Raphael looks around and found that Singto is sleeping.
"...sleeping peacefully."
Raphael frowned.
Because of Singto he is confusing and uneasy but Singto is sleeping peacefully!
Raphael slid into his bed and tried to disturb his peaceful sleep.

Raphael called him cheerfully.

Singto turned to the side and pulled him into an embrace with eyes closed.
Raphael yelped.
He was surprised with unexpected reaction of him.

"..hey? s..Singto? Are you still half asleep?"
Raphael tried to wake him.

"Shhhhhh....Where did you go? I missed you so much."
Singto muttered.

"H..hey? ...Singto?"
Raphael froze. Gradually he melted in his arms.
Raphael feels so secure himself in his arms. It's very funny that Singto is not a big guy yet he feels very safe and happy with him.

Raphael murmured.

"...shhh, sleep. We have to work tomorrow again.."
Singto murmured.

"..what? What are you saying? I don't understand."
Raphael looks at Singto from his embrace.

He is still closing his eyes and mutters something. Something he doesn't understand again.

".... What kind of dreams do you see? ...you are crying.."
Raphael wiped his tears with his finger.

Another tear rolled down his cheek.

"Ohhh, don't cry, Singto.."
Raphael said.
Singto tightened his embrace.

".....Don't go.."
Singto whispered.

Raphael could feels that his cheeks turned red.
- What the fuck! Calm down me!!
"Ahem, S..Singto ? I ...I.."
Raphael doesn't know how to say.

"Stay with me..........Kit."

Raphael looks at Singto. Slowly he got out from the bed and walked to the kitchen. He took out a beer and sipped.

- Kit? Who the fuck?

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