11- Counter-clockwise (6)

364 40 3

California, USA, A few years later

- Why did it turn out like this?
Singto got confused in his situation.

About a few hours ago, Singto came here as an intern. He was supposed to work under Assistant director's order at filming studio.

- Then, How come I am in front of the judges waiting for their decision?

Singto surely remembered when he entered the studio, there were long line waiting on the right side of long hall way. He figured it's for another audition.
The auditions happen almost every day for something small to big here. It's nothing special about it.

- This kind of view are the same from everywhere.
Singto instantly felt immersed in nostalgia, but its non of his business anymore.

Singto is on his way to the meeting point that HR told him earlier at orientation.
He is supposed to meet his team member for further instruction, Singto got frustrated because he didn't know how large this studio and it might cause him being late for the meeting.
- Shit, I should ask HR about the location specifically.

There were only 10 students from his University accepted here as interns. they scattered to variety location for their internship.
Singto was consider as lucky one among of them because he will work at drama section with other crews, there is no other reason to lose this opportunity for him, so he definitely didn't want to messes things up.

" Hey, you! Come this way!"
Suddenly, someone called him from the distance.
Singto pointed himself.

"Yes, YOU!"
The big tall guy yelled at him.
Singto hurriedly run to the person who looks irritated about something.

"Are you an intern from college right?"
The guy checked Singto's ID while he talks.

"Yes, sir. This is my first day."
Singto answered to him.

" Well, You have Blue ID tug, so I am the one who pick you. My name is Taylor. I am an AD at TV drama team. Our team took 3 interns from different colleges this time, and You are the last one."
Taylor who is much taller than Singto , looks like in his late in his thirtieth who has beard and with messy brown hair, shook his hand with Singto.

"AD.. I am so sorry, sir. I should come by myself."
Singto muttered.
"Oh, come on. Call me Taylor. My assistant was busy, so I came to pick you. It's not a big deal. We are the same team. Besides, your budge doesn't work yet, it's impossible to come alone to our studio. What's your name?"
Taylor tapped Singto's shoulder frankly.

"My name is Singto."
"Singto, huh. Where are you come from?Urr... China?"
Taylor asked him.
"I'm from Thailand."
"Oh, Thailand. I like Thai foods, it's delicious."
Taylor smiles in a friendly way.
"..Thank you."
Singto smiled politely even though Taylor may only know American Pad thai.

Through 2 security doors , they stopped at small secure office to activate Sigto's ID card. Finally, they arrived at their working place.

"Okay, my assistant will explain to your work assignment, he is over there, follow me."
Taylor lifted his chin.
Singto just followed.
When they are about to move to the other side of the studio, Taylor got an call.
He stopped and picked up the phone.

- Uh-Oh..
Singto can see Taylor looks so intense now.

After he hung up, he sighed and looked at Singto for a while.

- What is it? Don't tell me, my position is gone ? Am I fired already?
Singto frowned.

"....Can I ask you a question?"
Taylor asked him hesitantly.
- Tsk, I don't like it,already.

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