26- Present : Two of us (5)

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Krist hummed music, finish making a song for his new single.
"What do you think, P'Tan?"

"Music is so beautiful, let me see your lyrics."
As Tan read it through, the corner of his mouth lifted.

"Do you like it?
Krist asked him with confident voice.

"Do you need to ask me, Krist? Oh my god. I didn't know you can write a love song."
He giggled.

"I couldn't make love song for a long time, the person I always want to sing about who has been banned by people. But finally it's over. Actually, P'Singto told me the other day that Khun Watakeekul asked him to go for the audition of new movie for his company. He even said to Singto, it's about time.' Tsk, it's annoying. How could he say that to Singto."
Krist pissed.

"Mai pen rai ( Don't mind it), if Khun Watakeekul really said it, it's a huge relief for me, too. Even Khun Singto is a good actor with face, it's still risky without someone's authorization."
Tan said.

"Huh? That's why I got a paper from GMM upper management haven't I ?"
Krist frowned.

"I know, you did. but it's different. If THE Watakeekul said 'GO' no one can stop us!"
Tan grinned.

Krist just shrugged.

"Well, let's wrapped up for today. and we have to finish your recording next week. Can Singto stay longer here ? He said something that he has to go to the USA again."
Tan asked.

"He will leave next Wednesday but he said, he will be back the beginning of next month."
Krist said.

"Sounds good. By the way, how come Singto has to go back to USA?"
Tan asked.

"Eh? Don't you know he is an actor over there."
"What? I didn't know that. No wonder he used be in front of the camera. Haha, he fooled me."
Tan laughed.

Krist just shook his head.


A Month Later

"Excuse me."
Sud bumped into someone's shoulder when he entered to the elevator.

"Oh, my bad. Sorry."
The other one looked up to him and said.

Sud can see beautiful onyx eyes behind of his glasses.
"Oh, no. You are fine. I'm sorry, too."
- Wow, he has beautiful eyes.

This is a bad habit of Sud when he sees people, he quickly check others what they have. Mostly Sud founds their own beauty and not to hesitate to praise the person. That's made him a playboy himself. Although he won't praise 'older man' like right now.
Sud glanced at the other guy who looks older than him with toned figure again.

- Actually , he is not bad at all. In fact he is very handsome. He is shorter than me, but his body balance is superb. Who is this guy? He doesn't look like janitor. Have I ever seen him before? Is he an actor?
Sud wonders.

After an awkward silence, finally the elevator stopped what Sud needs to get off.
Then, he noticed the other guy also ready to gets off the same floor.

"After you."
Sud said smoothly.

"Thank you."
He smiled at him and went off first.

- Wow.. the smile is something. Owch, He is bit clumsy. Will he be alright?
Sud is busy worried about him even he looks older than him and he just met him for the first time.

Awkward enough, Sud ended up following him.

- Shit, how come he goes where I go. It looks like I am following him!

Sud stopped.

He couldn't believe his eyes that the clumsy guy entered a studio !

"Huh?Who the hell are you?"
He mustters.

" Where have you been Sud, idiot. You are late. How come I arrived first after I parked the car at the basement.?"
Manager Boon shook his head.

"Ahhh, I just met a guy..and.."
Sud murmured.

"Alright, you don't have to explain to me. Come with me. You have to put on make up. Hurry up."
Boon pushed Sud from his back.

"Fine. I am coming."
Sud moved quickly.


"Everyone This is the love song. I want to express in this movie how much the main character loves his fan."
When the director Tan said, Sud couldn't believe what he just heard.

It seems like Sud wasn't the only one that surprised.

Everyone knows this MV is for Krist's new song who never made a love song before. His marriage and Love be never on his song until now.

People are starting whispering each other.

"Silence. Oh, I know you can't believe Krist made a love song, right? It's a beautiful love song you all will love. As you know,it's a rule under your contract ; Do not leak anything what you will see or hear in this studio until the day of new music releasing. It will be the day at music award ceremony, next week. So you have to hold your breath. If you don't think you can keep a secret, just leave now. Understood?"
Tan announced firmly, including his crews and other support actors on MV, including Sud.

"It is fantastic! Sounds so fun."
Sud whispered to his manager.

"Fun my ass, My stomach is aching now."
- But who can be Khun Krist's fan other than that one...
"It can't be!"

"What did you say, P'Boon?"
Sud looks at him.

He shook his head.
"Oh, I think P'Tan will introduce 'a fan' ...Hey! Dont' tell me! A guy?"
Sud gasped.

Sud saw a guy who met at the elevator. Clumsy uncle.
- WOW, he is gorgeous.
Sud thought.

He doesn't see uncle in front of him. He sees the mature man who has face and body.
Not only that he is very handsome and gorgeous.
In fact, the moment he stood beside of Director Tan, everyone's eyes glued on him.

"Sawadee Khap."
He wai politely and smiled at them.

"Aish, his voice is something."
Sud muttered.
He could feel the change of atmosphere in studio.

"Singto..Prachaya Ruangroj.. He ..he came back.."
Boon widened his eyes.

"Eh? Do you know him, P'Tan?"
Sud asked with surprise.

"He..he was super popular back then like you...Ah..finally he came back."
Boon sounds happy.

"Say! That means Khun Krist's fan is a man?"
Sud yelled.

Boon slapped at him immediately.

Sud covered his mouth,even though it's too late.

"Khap. My fan is this gorgeous guy, Singto Perawat Sangpotirat. It is a secret until the day of song release, please be patient na?"
Krist smiled at them brightly by hugging Singto from behind.

This time, the whole people in studio jaw dropped.

"Oh my god. I didn't know HE can smile so beautifully...wow..they defeated me. There are no way that I can get in."
Sud shook his head.

"Oii, You are quick study for the first time, since when you become so considerate person?"
Boon glanced at him.

"Hey! I am not a stupid one, you know? Look at them! I've never seen that face of Khun Krist. He looks so happy and pretty. I can't make him like that, even in a million years. You know? I mean, look at them, they don't care around them. They look like they only live with each other."
Sud said.

"...Fated Pairs."
"They are meant to be each other since the day they met. I am so happy to see that they are still together."
Boon smiled.

"Oh, god. I don't want to see the middle aged man's romantic side with fujoshi attitude."
Sud sighed.

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