12- Counter-clockwise (7)

365 36 11

GMM ( time lime is the same as chap 11)

As soon as Nammon saw Krist in the office he run to him.
Nammon grabbed Krist's arm.
"Krist. Please look at me."
Krist turned around and greeted him.
"Sawadee Kharp, Khun Nammon."

"Please, don't be like that. I want to talk to you."
Nammon pleased him.

Krist stares at Nammon and sighed.
"...What do you want, Khun Nammon?"

" I want to apologized to you for long time, but You didn't give me any chance during the shooting of 'Sotus 3 forever'. I just.. Please forgive me, Krist."
Nammon sincerely said to him. 

"I forgive you. Okay?Now excuse me, Khun Arsalprakit."
Krist said to him with monotone voice and turned around.

"Wait! That's it? We are friend! Toptap and I are your best friend for log time! I admitted my mistake, Have mercy on me. And you should be happy now. Can you let it go with my little mistake? You got married with Mook and you are the top singer for 2 years in this country. You've won a lot of award.. You have everything, don't you?"
Nammon yelled at him from behind.

Krist clinched his fists, and looked back to him with cold attitude.

"You don't understand anything Nammon. Am I happy? Hell no. I am in hell everyday. I am dying every single minutes. What have you, and Thitipoom (Newwiee/ New) done to me and P'Singto? Because of you guys, P'Singto was banned from GMM and major entertainment industry in this country. Sotus 3 was not my Sotus, that was a pice of shit. No Singto, No Sotus for me. Don't you ever talk to me again. I'm done with you."
Krist said I with low voice. He tired to control his anger.

Krist quickly left there and move to the music studio. Luckily nobody haven't show up yet.
Krits collapsed to the chair and covered his face.

Someone touched his shoulder softly.
Krist looked up.

" You should eat something, your recording will start soon."
P'Yui passed iced coffee to him, and took out small lunch box from other plastic bag.

"I don't wanna eat."
Krist muttered.

"Oh. Don' say that. You have to eat something. Look at you. You are thin as twigs now."
Yui frowned.
Krist sipped his drink and didn't say anything.

"...Somebody told me, you met Nammon at the office.... Did he say anything to you?"
Yui asked him.

"Urrr... he asked for forgiveness."
krist looked at her.

"So I said Okay."
"He kept talking to me, and I made him shut the fuck up."
"Krist !"
P'Yui said.
"Because he was talking about Sotus 3 and my private matter."
Krist sighted.

"Oh.. Speaking of your private matter, how 's Mook doing?"
"Mae! You know that! I don't know about her, I haven't seen her about 2 weeks."
"But, she is pregnant. I am worried about her health."
"Be my guest. Go ahead and check her! But I can't talk about the ...thing...if you do...I gonna throw up.. please stop.."
Krist covered his mouth with paper white face.

"KIT. You have to face it. That baby in Mook's tummy is yours.Soon you will be a father."
Yui said with straight face.

"...I know. I care about my baby. That' why I married, even ...It's wrong."
Krist said in agony.

"Kit....There, eat something. Soon, people are coming."
Yui rubbed Krist's back gently.


When Mook entered the cafe, she easily found Apple at their usual seat.
"....Haaaa. I am so tired. My body is so heavy."
Mook muttered and sat down across from Apple.

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