10 - Counter-clockwise (5)

371 46 13

When P'Jane stopped at stop light, he glanced at Singto through room mirror.
"What's wrong, Singto?"
Singto is looking out the window with no response.
"Why are you sulking?"
P'Jane asked him again.
"....I'm not."
He sighed.
"Why are you in a bad mood then?"
Jane asked him again.

"...Haaaa, you don't give up until I answer you don't you?"
Singto snorted.

"Spit it out."
Jane said.

"I don't have any private time to see my friend. That's why."
Singto said by looking at the mirror.

"...Singto. If you are talking about Kit, he is so busy. Since he got a big award as a singer, he got so much offer for his commercial and concerts, plus you're extremely busy for acting and the last project for graduation. When do you think you have time? If you have little time, go to sleep. You haven't been getting enough sleep."
Jane told Singto like a mother.

Singto rolled his eyes.
- I know your answer already, that's why I didn't want to say anything.

He felt the original rhythm vibration from his phone that Krist and Singto made together a few months ago.

- Krist.
Singto picked up and checked the text.

K: Do you have free time , tonight?
S: after 8.
K: Let's have a dinner together.
S: Where?
K: As usual place.
S: Will be there.
K: Later

P'Jane asked him.
"Who was the text that you got now?"
Jasne asked him.

"Just a group chat for next project."
Singto said by looking at Jane's eyes through mirror.
Jane muttered.


"Mâe, I'm leaving now."
"What? so quickly? How about your dinner?"
Yui asked him.
"I'll eat later, I have to go."
Krist hurriedly packing his staff while he is talking to Yui.
"...Who is going to meet with?"
Yui asked him.

Krist said.
"...Kit. Who is it?"
Yui stood in front of him, folded her arms.
"...Someone you don't know... My old friend."
Krist stares at her.

Yui looked away.
"How do you get there? you need a ride?"
"No. I'll use motorcycle taxi."
"Be careful, Kit. Okay?"
Yui looked at him with worried face.

"I know."
Without looking back to her, Krist took off.

When Singto opened a door of small bar in narrow ally, Krist was already sat the corner of usual table for them.

Krist smiled at him.
"Kit. Sorry, I'm late."
Singto sat down and apologized him.

"No, that's okay, You made it, that's more important, plus it's still at 8:30pm. We have time."
"Umm...right. How are you Krist? Oh, Congratulation on your award. I am so proud of you."
Singto smiled at him.
"Thank you. I wasn't expect to receive such a big title for my second song."
"No, It was so good. I love your song. Here, this is a small gift for you."
Krist looks at him with surprise.
Singto put small box on the table.
It's so rare to receive actual present from Singto.

When Krist opened it , he found a pair of beautiful black pearl earrings in there.
"Wow. This is so beautiful."
"I fish for pearls from scallops."
Singto grinned.
Krist blushed and pretended to hit him.
"Hoii, no hitting!"
Singto chuckled.

"Awwww. P'Singto. Don't tease me. Did you really fished it?"
"No. But I chooses them for you."
Singto winked.
"Thank you."
Krist smiled at him.
"Why don't you try them on?"
Singto asked him.
Krist took off his earrings and pick up one from the box and stared at it.

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