18-Past; Krist/Singto

379 38 2

Bangkok, Thailand
In the dark room, there a shape like curling up into a ball mumbling.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Stop crying !"
Mook is screaming and covering her ears.

"...Shhhhh, calm down. You are tired, here, I'll take care of baby. Go ahead and sleep."
Krist hugged her shoulder gently, led her to the bed.

"Krist.. hold my hand please."
" Sure, I would love to, but first baby is crying so I need pick her up, then I'll come back."
"No! No! KRIST! Leave her alone! Baby cries ! I'm crying for god sake! You shouldn't prioritize her. It's me! I'm the one who suffers! Please..please..."
Mook sobs.
"Shhh, okay. I'll hold your hand until you sleep. Close your eyes.."
Krist kissed her forehead gently.
Mook closed her eyes.
"Krist. Don't leave me. I love you.. I really love you.. you are the only one.."
Mook mutters by sleeping.

Gradually she falls a sleep. Krist let her hand slowly closing the door and walking to the baby.
"Oh my god. She wept herself to sleep.. poor baby."
Krist touched her cheek and wiped off her tears.

After Mook delivered her baby, she developed symptoms of depression, anxiety..even doctor found bipolar disorder. A few months before her delivery, Krist and Mook has been arguing about their divorce. After Krist found out more facts, he told Mook for divorce, also Krist has changed his attitude completely to his fans and crews. He became more professional and distant from his fans, and others. Later, P'Yui and P'Jane also learned new facts from Krist about their incident, and cried for Singto. They promised him to be his side no matter what will happen.
Krist was planned everything for his future with Singto.
Then, Mook became ill.

"...All my effort came Nothing. I can't leave her like this. I can't leave baby, too. Should I give up, P'Singto?"



"What the heck? Are you serious?"
When Raphael saw Singto, he groaned.

"What's wrong?"
Singto tilted his head.
"What's wrong ? Your clothing style is wrong! Why are you wearing the crap? Couldn't you pick up something from the closet?"
Raphael said angrily.

"...is this bad?"
Singto asked him hesitantly.

"Your sense of clothing is less than Americans who always wear T shits and sneakers. Urrrrr."
Raphael ruffles his hair with frustration.

"...Aren't you an American?"
Singto asked him.
" I am French!"
Raphael yelled.
Singto arched his eyebrows.
"...A half."
Raphael added with sighed.
Singto said.
"Stop 'OH'me. It doesn't matter. You are terrible at clothing ! If you are living with me, I am not allow you to be like that! In fact you should be more careful what to wear because you'll be on TV show soon."
Raphael said strictly.

"...Umm, okay. What should I do?"
Singto shrugged.

"Urrr. Come with me! I'll coordinate your clothes! Oh my god."
Raphael dragged him to the closet.

- Raphael sounds lots like Krist..
Singto was smiling without knowing it.


"So, this is our Lucifer Huh?."
When Singto came into the studio with Raphael someone looked down to him.

Singto looks up to the guy.
- Tsk, another giant.
Singto mentally punched this rude guy and smiled at him.
"Hello, I'm Singto."
"Hi. I'm Jordan. I'll be Asmodeus...I am 'Lust'. You have to be sexier than me, otherwise you'll eaten by me tho."
He chuckled.
Jordan is about 6'1 with dark hair and green eyes. He looks like in his late twenties.
- very sexy and very handsome..I guess he is really Asmodeus type. Thomas is very good at choosing her actors. It's gonna be good.
Singto thought.

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