Chapter 33 - This is your fault! ( THE FUNERAL Part 2)

Start from the beginning

But strangely she's acting as if she's the host of a dinner or some family gathering, smiling while having polite conversations and laughs as easily and heartily as she normally would, while waiting for the rest to arrive. No signs of tears, sadness, fake smiles, hidden distress or grief were in sight, which was what Giovanni found worrisome, Elijah and Giorgia sharing the same worry. Giovanni didn't know if he was secretly hoping she would break and the grief would over take her all at once, or that this is just how she deals with grief, none of them could possibly know for sure, but for now he'll just stay close, in case in turns out to be the former and not the latter but he still could not decide which he preferred, not that it mattered, he thought to himself as his penetrating gaze remained solely on Kiara and the woman beside her, Gabriella.

Meanwhile Joshua sat back, unknowing to everyone around them, except for Ziara, Joshua's gaze was set on Kiara since he walked in the room over an hour ago. The moment his eyes landed on her, he knew he still felt the same way about her as he did many years ago. But he knew that this wasn't the time to have or show those types of feelings towards her, Because not only was he already seeing "someone" but for more obvious reasons, he knew this wouldn't be the place to try and play the shoulder to cry on again, because even though Stephano is dead, he knew if he even thought about trying anything, he would be killed in an instant because at the moment his sitting in the Lions den, amongst hundreds of Mafia men, that wouldn't hesitate to snap him into two.

The day Joshua found out about his sister's death and how it happened, he wished he could make each and everyone of them pay for taking his sister away from him, but he knew if he ever had a chance to avenge her, he couldn't because it would break the heart of the one woman his ever loved with every fiber of his being because as much as it unnerves him to no end, he knew each and every man in this room, is her family and he could never do anything that would hurt her in any way. So instead of fighting an obvious losing battle, he had decided to bury his sister with the man he loathed with cell in his body, not because he was petrified about the not so empty threat Giovanni had made, but because he knew it's what the love of his life would appreciate, he did it for her, for no other reason.

Joshua knew something was going to happen today, it was obvious judging by all the armed guards that stood as soldiers guarding the grounds all around the Mansion, not to mention all the FBI and NYPD cars that was parked down the road on either side of it, outside of the entrance Gates of this "Castle", the way Joshua saw the place as. From what his been told, this is some kind of a turf war between the Italians and some unknown Mafia and he could feel it in his bones, that today would probably turn into another blood bath, which is why he decided to stay close to the sisters, Kiara and Ziara, Because they were the only two people he actually gave a shit about.

Joshua worries about Kiara because of the way she's acting, he knew her better than most, he thought. He knew she was silently breaking apart on the inside and he would make damn sure his close to her when she falls apart. While Joshua had his gaze intently fixed on Kiara, Ziara sat glowering at her sister, Joshua knew why but decided just for today to ignore her, but at the same time knew he would stay close because the explosion that's definitely going to go off today, could be the day that will not just break everyone's hearts, but will break friendships, and relationships between a few of the people in this very room.

"Kia, James asked for you to get to the entrance, the carriage is about to arrive any minute now" Joshua was brought out of his thoughts by Aurora who was addressing Kiara.

"That's okay, I'll wait here" Kiara said and everyone in hearing distance was taken aback by her reply and gasps and whispers could be heard all around the room, instantly. "Could you please inform Gio, so he can let everyone know?" Kiara continued, oblivious to the attention she had just attracted by her previous response and Aurora only nodded with a sympathetic look towards Kiara Because it was obvious to her that she was in fact in denial about her husband's death, just like Giovanni had told them earlier this morning.

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