Chapter 32 - THE FUNERAL (Part 1)

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"James, has she spoken yet?" I asked as soon as I walked into the torture room, where James was sitting opposite an unconscious nurse.

"She refuses to give me a name, or a reason but from what I gathered, whoever is behind the attack at the beach and Dante's attempted murder, is one and the same person and this one over here, is the woman of this mystery dick" James said and then took a sip from the bottle of Scotch in his hand.

Nurse Mary looks like she took quite a beating from James, because her face is swollen and bloody, she's strapped in the torture chair, her hair is all over the place but she still has her scrubs on, meaning no one has touched her, not that they would have but in the state of mind that every man is currently in, who knows what they would do to any prisoner that's involved with this attack because right now, they're looking for someone to blame, someone to pay for the loss of their leader, their King, and to most, a brother, a friend, which Steph was to a lot of his men, all of them respected him, like no other Don before, they worshipped the ground he walked on, which he deserved through and through.  

"Why didn't you inject her?" I asked because I wanted her awake when I get here, so I could question her and get this over with, so we can find this son of a bitch and end this whole mess.

"Here it is" James said dangling the syringe, I didn't even realize he had in his other hand because our focus only fell on the beat up nurse and the scotch bottle in James's left hand, which his drinking right from the cap, might I add.

"I was waiting for you to get here, before I wake sleeping beauty over here" James said, and Elijah and I shared a knowing look, his drunk for sure, because James joking about, or calling a prisoner "sleeping beauty", isn't just odd for him, it's unheard of. His really losing it.

"Hey man, why don't you go get some shut eye, Gio and I can handle this" Elijah said to James, who started chuckling, like we just made a damn joke.

"And miss the show? Fuck no!" James said through his bitter chuckle, shaking his head, yeah his piss drunk which is a first, by the way. "You're torturing her, and I'll be finishing the job" James said now seriously, almost bitterly.

"Fine, the more the merrier" I said and James smirked, I think James needs his friends around him right now, not exiled to his room because Lord only knows none of us has or can or even wants to sleep, ever since THAT day.         

"Then let's get this show on the road" James said taking a huge gulp of his goodness and then slamming it down on the table next to him, then jumping up and stabbing the needle in the nurse's neck, well fuck... This day will be another interesting one, if only Steph were here to see the stiff as a board James, let loose, something Steph always tried to get him to do and look now, he had to die to get it right.

"Right, she'll be awake in a few minutes. So what tools will you be needing?" James asked waving his arms all around the room, and I just looked at him, not sure if it's safe to have him around so many sharp dangerous tools, in the state that his in.

"Why don't you sit back and enjoy the show, until it's your turn?" I asked him with a plastered smirk, so he can see that it was infact a question and not an order, I don't need a fight between us right now, I don't need any one of the men fighting one another, that's something Steph did not tolerate, at all and I won't allow it either.

"That's a brilliant idea, care to join me for a drink, while we wait? I think we can come up with a toast or two, what do you say?" James asked raising his eyebrows with a grin on his face, looking stupid, but obviously trying to look devilish or convincing but we nodded nonetheless, we know he needs it, he needs us, we need each other in this time and if it means drinking from a bottle he just downed from the cap, then that's what we'll do!

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