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15 years later

"Daddy, where's Mommy?" My 4-year-old daughter Luna asked. Her round brown eyes are just the same as her mother's.

What do I say to her? I still haven't got around to saying your mother is gone. Instead, I look at her and tell her to go find her sister. She knows something isn't right. Mommy went into the doctor's room and never came out. She keeps saying. Ryan her older sister is more prepared, she is mature beyond her age. She reminds me of Savannah so much at her age curious and so full of life. I know Luna asking her the same question she asked me. Ryan was right by Savannah in the last few months. The doctors told Savannah and me to prepare. She was always in so much pain. Migraines were so intense she sometimes fainted. Then one day she peed blood doctors said her kidneys were failing, next to go was her liver, and then her heart was weakening. The doctors tried everything they did, but there was nothing left to do. She died two weeks ago and today we say goodbye.

"Justin?" Mr. Johnson called out to me. "Are you okay son?"

"Yes, sorry Dad. I got distracted."

"No, I get it."His face had a broken look and his eyes were glossy. He and Savannah have always been close. I know this is hard for him. But Savannah will rest peacefully knowing he going to be taken care of. He finally remarried a great lady whom Savannah adored. He put his hand on my shoulder to give support. I believe someone is here to see you! He's inside your study. 

Now is the time. Ryan stopped me before I went inside my study. She hugged me we talked about this she knows what is about to happen. Nothing changes I tell her. I meant it and I know she believes me. Now go find Luna and pop pop, I'll call you when I'm ready for you!

I opened the door there he stood his back turned so I couldn't see his face yet. The last time I saw him. I believe it was right before Savannah left for college. I spent the Summer getting to know Noah and his friends. He's holding the letter in his hand. He looks nervous glancing at pictures of the girls. He picks up a picture of Ryan, staring at it seeing if he sees himself. I wasn't sure if he noticed me in the room until he started talking. "I caught the first flight home when I heard she passed away. Brittany called me hysterical she could barely speak. Imagine my surprise when I saw this letter from her written a day before she died. Telling me I had an 11-year-old daughter, and you're telling me never knew,  you knew everything?"He raised his voice accusingly trying to keep his temper in check which is understandable considering the situation.

"No, I never knew. She told me right before she got sick. I owed him an explanation one he wouldn't get from Savannah personally. When she first got here to the city Noah I didn't know she was here, we ran into each other 6 months later. By then she was showing. She told me it was a one-night stand and she didn't know the father. It was after you left she got drunk to drown out the hurt of you leaving. Every time I brought it up she changed the subject with the same response she don't remember. By the time Ryan was born, it didn't matter who the dad was then that little girl stole my heart. I'm sorry Noah I had no idea she was yours."

"I should be pissed at Savannah. Reading this letter I understand from her point of view why she hadn't told me. Savannah never wanted you to decide for her and she went and made the biggest decision for me. I just wish she didn't." His voice was defeated and broken. "I would have wanted to be there for her during the pregnancy. To be a part of my daughter's life you know? What do I know? What is she like? I want to know her. Does she know about me?"

"Yes she always knew about her dad and that you were alive. Savannah told her that you didn't know about her. That she was young and scared. I encouraged her to tell you, Noah. She was going too and then she was in the hospital. We moving back home, all of our family, your family is back in the States." Savannah was happy in Paris, but she missed home. " Noah, I want you to be in Ryan's life as well. She does too and I know Savannah regrets not telling you. Ryan is perfect I smiled, she is incredibly intelligent. Amazing big sister.  You should see her paint her artwork is so inspiring. She plays the piano too the way her finger moves on the keys and how fast she picks up a note. You're going to be blown away Noah. Luna, she has Savannah's heart, her generosity at four leaves you speechless. But Savannah's soul is in Ryan. The fiery passion and stubbornness are all in her. I believe she left a piece of herself in both girls."          I couldn't tell if he was still angry. I didn't want him to be, but if roles were reversed I'll be pissed. Ryan going to need him. She is a part of him. She has another family to help her through this. Because I'm going to need all the help I can get. I just feel so lost without her. I loved Savannah all my life. She was it for me and when I had my chance I jumped no questions. I didn't care she was pregnant with another man's baby. I loved her and I knew I was going to love the baby.

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