Chapter 28 Noah

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I fucked up big time. Savannah broke up with me and it hurts. Every time I see her it kills me. I can never forget the look in her eyes when I told her about Tamia. I knew what it did to her. I just didn't want her to hear it from someone else. We can't even talk to each other without the awkwardness. It's all my fault. I don't deny it. Mike and I are currently in my room. He was giving an update on Savannah while I filled him in on Tamia going to Savannah's.

"See man." He said shaking his head in irritation. "That's why I didn't want her back in your life. She's drama." Mike was pissed. "What are you going to do?"

"I went to apologize to Savannah two nights ago  and I called her dad when I got up this morning."

"Wait what? You grew some balls and went to talk to her?"

"Nigga fuck you," I said jokingly.
"I wasn't scared to talk to her. But what do I say? Sorry for being with the girl I told you I was done with. Savannah is big on trust. I told her I wouldn't break it and I did exactly that. You know when I saw her that night the first thing I saw in her eyes was disappointment. When I asked her why is it so hard for us to talk. You wanna know what she said?"

"The look on your face tells me it wasn't good."

"Maybe it's for the best." I put my head down in shame. "What am I going to do? I miss talking to her man."

"I get it. But Noah you made it worse by getting with Tamia. It was like a slap in the face."

"I didn't mean to.", I snapped angry at myself. "She kept trying to talk. And when I caved we went up having pity sex. I couldn't bring myself to tell her it wasn't official."

"I hate to ask this. Do you think you still have feelings for the girl?"

"No" I answered too quickly. Mike gave me a pointed look. I let out a heavy sigh. "I don't know maybe" I answered again more honestly. "Sometimes when we together it's not that bad. I enjoy the company. But it might just be me not wanting to be alone. Then there are other times like the other night. Where I regret answering my phone that night. Because if I didn't I would be here feeling like shit every day, and I'll still have Savannah."

"You know she saw her mom."

"What?" I asked wide-eyed. "Did she tell you how it was? Fuck man I was supposed to be there for her. How did she sound or look when she told you?"

"She sounded relieved. It went well and she is glad she went, got the answers she needed to feel closure, and that they working it out." Mike smiled when he finished. I can tell he was happy for Savannah. Shit, I was too.

"That's great. I'm glad she can finally move on."

"Right speaking of moving on."

That caught my attention fast I quickly turned my head to face him again. "What about it?"

"I met Savannah's friend Justin."He said carefully. "I asked Britt if she knew about him."

"Well, what did Britt say?" I asked growing impatient.

"That they grew up together and have history. That's all she was telling me. She said anything else was confidential and if I was to be informed, Savannah would inform us. Well me, not you 'cause she doesn't like you too much right now."

"Yeah, Mike I get it," I said glaring at him. History? Savannah only had sex with one guy and she wouldn't lie. If it's him why is he at her house? Are they getting back together? A flash of jealousy and anger just entered me. I thought she said they were not on speaking terms. Did they make up? I thought to myself. "What was he like?" I asked Mike trying to see if he knew anything.

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