Chapter 5 Noah

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"Do you want desert Savannah? Their strawberry cheesecake is good as shit! " She laughs. Good I think she lightens up again, she looks tense sort of as if she is in pain.

"No I'm okay," she reaches for her forehead. Digs in her bag for sunglasses and puts them on.

"Are you okay? " I asked getting a little worried.

"Yeah just a little headache, getting sensitive to the light."

"Well we can leave, I'll drop you back home. You should get some rest." She smiled gratefully. As we were leaving Josh was walking back out, his behavior was odd tonight. Savannah's presence has some type of effect on him. Mike, Britt, and I said our goodbyes to him.

"See you guys around, nice meeting you Savannah, come back anytime. " He smiled.

She smiled and said thanks. Getting in the car I noticed Savannah sitting in the back and Britt and her were whispering about something couldn't hear them. The ride back was silent, Savannah had this face of concentration. I knew that headache wasn't just some little headache. Mike and Britt were their thoughts not knowing what to say to each other. I think they reached the breaking point. We pull up Savannah's house. I get out of the car to walk her to the door.

"I had fun tonight Noah."

I give her a look of disbelief. I cleared my throat. "You sure there were a lot of awkward moments tonight between Sarah the waitress and the weirdness with the Wilsons? I was pretty sure you were ready to run and never look back."

She removes the glasses from her face and immediately clenches her eyes from the porch light. "No really, she tries to reassure me. I like Mike and Britt, and the restaurant was amazing so thank you. I do appreciate you guys letting me be a part of your weekly tradition." She smiles genuinely.

"Well, I'm glad you had fun. We should try this again but just us?"

"I don't know Noah. I think you great guy. I like you, but I don't think it's a good idea for us to date."

"Why? Is it because of Sarah? She didn't mean anything to me. I mean yeah we had sex a couple of times. I didn't want you to think of me as some man whore. I mean I-" I stopped talking I'm screwing this up before it even starts.

"No, I'm damaged. It would be unfair to put this burden on you." She says with tears in her eyes.

Damaged!? Burden!? What is she talking about? "I want to get to know you, Savannah Johnson." Looking at her dead in the beautiful light brown eyes ." I do."

"I don't know what to say, Noah. We can be friends. I don't wanna hurt you Noah that's why I'm saying no to a relationship. I'm sorry. Goodnight I had fun", she kisses me on the cheek. Turn away and go into her house.

Walking to my car. I couldn't stop thinking about what Savannah said. How could she think those things about herself? What did she mean by burden and hurting me? Getting in the car I heard Mike complain about being hot.

"So Noah I like her, she's cool don't mess this up. "Britt pointed her finger at me.

"Well, there won't be anything to mess up. She just completely shut me down."

"Smart girl see I knew I liked her for a reason, "Britt says laughing.

"Ha ha ha you a real comedian," I stated sarcastically. I was annoyed that she wanted to poke fun right now.

"I'm just playing, just give her time. Be patient she will come around, that is guaranteed. You know in a lot of ways you two are just alike." She added thoughtfully.

That had me thinking about what she and Britt were talking about earlier. The waiting game? I guess I can do that. Where is the harm in that?

Mike interrupts my thoughts." I respect that she doesn't wanna break your heart Noah is that so bad?" Mike not only referring to me.

"No it's not, but I am a big boy. I wanna take that risk with her is that so bad?"

"Yeah I mean if you love something you fight for it, Michael." Britt's tone leaves no room for augment.

Mike knowing he lost this one quietly looks out the window in his thoughts.

"Damn Noah you must like her we never seen you like this. Man listen Savannah seems guarded so just talk to her. It can't be easy leaving everything you knew to a strange new place not knowing anybody, but everyone seems to know you." Mike says coming back to the conversation.

Mike was right. It's just something about Savannah that makes me want her. I felt like a magnet being pulled to her. I got to have her. I will have her.

"I know Mike. I speak up. It's just something about her that makes me want to protect and care for her. I don't know man. Britt, you're quiet," I say looking back at her.

She laughs "I just want you to be happy and if you really feel like she is it then fuck it and go for it."

"Thanks, Britt!" She smiles and punches my arm. I know my friends had my back they always do. We say our goodbyes as we get out of my car in my driveway. It's great that we all live on the same block. No traveling.

As I walk into my house I smell cookies. Moms home. "Hey, mom! Where's dad?" I'm not that concerned. I really just like to stand clear of him.

"Hey honey, he upstairs finishing up a business call."

My mom is a world-class beauty with a loving soul. With her fit shape any woman her age would kill for. She is caramel-skinned with green eyes and long reddish brown hair that stops at her butt. I can never understand how my dad can cheat on her. What more can he want? I just get so angry with her for pretending there isn't any problem.

"Is there something wrong honey?" Mom looks at me with concern.

"No Mom I'm fine."

She looks at me knowing it is a total lie. "Honey, she says in that sincere tone What's wrong?"

"Well, I met this girl named Savannah, and she is amazing. She told me that she didn't want to take it any further with me because she was damaged and didn't wanna give me that burden. I want to get to know her mom I wanna be with her. So I just don't know what to do. What do you think mom?"

"Well honey I think if she as amazing as the way your eyes lit up when you just talked about her I think you should go for it. When you have someone special you fight for them and fight hard. Just don't fight for someone who isn't gonna fight for you. Now that is a heartbreak. Make sure she understands where you coming from and how you feel about her. If someone calls themselves damaged then it must be something so be careful."

"Thanks, Mom I love you," I say kissing her on the cheek.

"Love you too baby. Noah baby I know you don't like to talk about it, but you need to make another appointment. "

"Mom- "

"Just think about the baby"


I'm fine. I don't get why she doesn't understand. So I can't sleep most nights. It's nothing. I know I'm hard on my mom but it's only because I know she deserves better and she knows it too. It just hurt especially keeping this secret. Sometimes I wish we could go back to when I was a kid, and everyone was happy. Dad and Mom were in love and you can tell. They were always kissing and touching. But I know things are never that simple. What my dad is doing there is no coming back I can never respect him the same.

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