Chapter 31 Noah

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I came to the diner to think. I like it around this time it's always quiet and peaceful. I have to break things off with Tamia. I'm that pathetic I had to run in the arms of the girl who crushed my heart. If I'm going to win Savannah back I have to get my shit together first and show her I'm worth trusting again. That I can be the guy she falls in love with, get married, and maybe have a family. I know she is sick and her life has a time stamp, but we all do. I still will love her through it all. Ready to take the responsibility of being the guy she deserves. It's better to be loved by her than not at all. I understand Justin's actions because even though he loves Savannah, her being happy and in love means something more. So he let her go, so she can let him go and move on, hopefully. I have to do the same. Tamia and I aren't good for each other. We have nothing in common but sex. I want something more meaningful, and I had that with Savannah. I was so in my head that I didn't see Josh standing there with Ms.Karen. They seemed to be in a heated argument. This seems personal so I get ready to go, but they spot me.

"Hey Noah," Ms. Karen says first. Josh seems uncomfortable and annoyed. He eventually speaks.

"Hey, Ms. Karen. Hey Josh, I was just heading out."

"No Noah don't go, don't let us interrupt you. Did you want something to eat ?"

"No I'm good, I just came to clear my head I'm okay now."

"Karen let him go, you see he was on his way out. I'm sorry Noah, she's only bothering you to avoid me like she does everything in her life."

Ms. Karen snapped her neck to Josh, "I'm not good for her" She screamed at him with eyes full of rage. "You or your mother won't guilt me my decision is final."

Josh looked at his sister and for a quick second, I saw the sympathy, but quickly turned to pity and a face full of disgust. "Your hopeless" He spat bitterly and walked away slamming the door behind him. She stood there eyes becoming wet with tears, still fuming with rage she stormed out not before yelling that she hated this family, and never should have come back.

Mrs.Grace came from the back, shaking her head in sorrow. " It's a blessing and curse having headstrong children. No matter what they stand up for what they think is right, and don't try and convince them otherwise they won't back down. The two were always at each other throats, but they always came to a middle ground. Now after tonight, I don't think they will come to a resolution. And what more sadden than that is I, their mother have to accept it. I'm so sorry Noah that you had to witness this, my family dilemma should never been on display. Tonight has been very unprofessional, we might be closed for a few weeks." She hugged me.

"That's okay Mrs.Grace, I see you soon."

She smiled. "No it's not okay but I appreciate your kindness. You are a wonderful young man." She made sure everything was locked up, I let her know I would wait until she got into her car to make sure she closed the store safely. She tried to change my mind and naturally, I refused. I don't know what to think of that. The Wilson was always a family I heard about, no one dared to speak badly or ill about them. Mainly because they were amazing people. All were wildly successful. Ms.Karen and my mom were close growing up. Mom always said that Karen never belonged here, she was always looking for a way to escape. Eventually, she found one, and when her longtime boyfriend got accused of a college, she ran with him. As I was driving home I decided to take a detour to Tamia's. I called Tamia but she didn't answer. I know her mom isn't home a lot with her dad being sick, so Tamia helps the nurse out a lot and doesn't answer the phone. It's only times like that you get to see the real Tamia. That sweet girl just wanted everyone to like her. I pulled up to the house and the door was unlocked which meant Tamia was home but no cars were parked outside. I walked up the stairs and started to hear familiar noises coming from Tamia's room. The door isn't locked since she is the only one here well not the only one. I pushed open the door and there in all her glory bent over doggy style getting pounded by the student teacher at our school. After school studying my ass. I coughed to make a sound I had it all planned out to act like the scorned boyfriend, but the look on Tamia's face right now is priceless.

"Noah!"She jumped off the bed to search for her clothes. "Now I know what you thinking, but this isn't that."

That's the best she came up with, I laughed. I knew she didn't fully change. Old habits die hard. Listen I don't even care. "I was coming over to end this relationship anyway this just gave me the ammunition I need so thanks for that." I left and went home, my grandparents were sleeping. I decided to call my mom. I haven't heard from her mostly because I've been avoiding her.

Noah? Honey is everything okay?

It felt so good to hear her voice. I missed it. Yes, Mom, I'm here.

Oh baby I miss you so much. I'm so sorry about not telling you about your brother. I'm so sorry you had to carry around your father's secret for so long. That should have never been your burden. I love you so much and am so proud of the man you turning into. I'm so sorry baby boy. I can tell she was crying and it made me feel like a real dick head.

Mom, I forgive you, okay, just stop crying and saying sorry. Sean your son too I shouldn't have assumed you would cut him off. Dad is a dick sorry Mom but he is. She laughed.

You'll be happy to know I filed for divorce, Your father no longer lives here. He got physical one night coming home belligerent drunk. Sean came and stopped him. I don't know what would have happened if he wasn't here.

I have a feeling, it was quiet I knew she had questions and so did I. I just didn't know how to begin.

Noah, how are you?

Mom I'm good I promise.


She's good too, she talking to me again that's a start.

Hmm. Yeah, it is.

How is he? I asked couldn't ignore my burning curiosity.

He had been adjusting and got himself a job. He even connected with old some high school and college buddies. Noah, I know you are against him, but there are some things we need to discuss.

I know Mom, and I'm ready to sit down and talk to him. I can't make any promises Mom.

Aww baby that's all I need, you agreeing to sit down and talk. He misses you so much always talking about you. He told me you came to see him. Why didn't you ever tell me?

It was too painful to discuss, I didn't know the man that was supposed to be my brother. My hero. We were sitting across from each other and I have seen no soul nothing that reminded me of Sean.

He wouldn't tell what was said, but he said the look you gave him will haunt him forever.

I didn't think he remembered our conversation let alone how I looked at him. Mom. I'll be over in the afternoon. I'm going to bed. Love you!

I love you too baby, she squealed in excitement.

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