Chapter 17 Noah

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"What do you mean he's back? How did he get out ?" I paced back and forth on the living room floor while my mom watched me anxiously for my reactions.

"Noah, sweetie, I know this is sudden, but the doctor said he is better. He's been clean for five years. I've been going to see him." She smiled with tears of joy. "He is doing great. He has color back in his skin. He is gaining his weight back. He is looking like my son again."

He is dead to me. "I'm sorry, Mom, but I can never forgive him for beating and almost killing you and Dad. You were in the hospital for a month. I didn't know if I was going to see you again. As far as I'm going concerned, he never existed." I wanted to punch a wall. How could they let him back in the house?

"Noah, I need you to forgive him. He wasn't in the right state of mind. He was sick and needed help." She was begging with tears. Her face was covered with guilt and remorse. But I couldn't give in, not this time. "He feels so disgusted for what he has done and for betraying you the way he did."

"No, Mom. Forgive him? He destroyed this family. Neither you nor Dad has ever been the same since that night. And it's me dealing with the punches. I'm done." I snapped in a final tone. I wasn't wasting any more time discussing him. "I'm sorry, but if he lives here, I'll stay with Nana."

I go upstairs to my room. Usually, I call Britt or Mike up to talk about this. But Mike is entirely suspicious because he doesn't know Britt is pregnant. Britt, man, I can't speak to her without feeling guilty for Mike. It's like how I felt when they were dating, and I didn't know. I blew Savannah off because I didn't want to get into the details of Sean. She thinks I'm the only child. Britt and Mike know him. He used to be my hero. We were so close. But that all changed now. I can't believe she isn't scared to let him back here. I should call Nana. She is the only person besides my friends I can talk to. She's my voice of reasoning. I was pulling out my phone to call her.

Phone Conversation

Hey Nana.

Hey Noah. How are you feeling, baby?

She could always sense when something bothered me. "Sean is getting out and coming home. I don't want to be in the same room, let alone the house. Can I come live with you? I won't be a bother. I will hardly be home with basketball and baseball. I can't live here knowing he's in this house."

She was quiet for a moment. "Yes, sweetheart, you are always welcome here. The guest room is how you left it. You took over that room any way she chuckled. Just call so I can have Grandpa help you move some of your things into the house."

Okay, Nana, thanks!

No problem, baby. Noah?


I know your emotions are at an all-time high. Baby, don't do anything you'll regret tomorrow. Your mom loves you. I have no excuse for her dumping all this on you so soon. Knowing he's coming home tomorrow, giving-

Tomorrow? Nana, did you say tomorrow?

Yes, she didn't tell you when he got released.

No, she didn't.

Oh, Noah, baby, I'll tell your mother. I'll see you soon.

Okay, Grandma, thanks. I'll be on my way shortly.

Phone Conversation Ended

I angrily threw my phone on the bed. I'm enraged. My mom knew he was coming home and purposely waited the day before to tell me. Everybody in this house continues to hide and live in secrecy. I can't take this anymore! My blood is boiling; I'm fucking heated. I could punch something. No, Noah, calm down. You learned this you cannot punch your way out of everything.

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