Chapter 21 Noah

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"Are you mad at me? I wasn't trying to worry you!" I spent the past 15 minutes explaining to Savannah about my forgetfulness last night.

"Well, Noah, I was. You left my house at 3 am and didn't answer my messages or phone calls. I thought you got hurt or worse." Her eyes were full of concern. Her face glowed with anger.

Man, she was pissed. Damn, she is so beautiful, even when she is mad. You can see this infection has taken a toll on her body. She has lost weight from the medicine and not balancing her meals. That's if she's eating at all. The side effects of one of the medications had her hair falling out, so she kept it cut shoulder length. Her skin is pale from being so drained. She still is the most beautiful girl to me. "I said I'm sorry. I grabbed and pulled her close so our lips were almost touching. You can't be mad at me forever, Savannah." I smiled. She grinned. I knew I had her. Before she could say anything, I kissed her. Her lips are so soft I can kiss them all day.

"Your cute, Noah."

"Not as cute as you." We are still standing close. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. She was staring at me, and suddenly she looked down. I could tell she was thinking about something.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." There goes that infamous half-smile. I know she was lying.



"Tell me, please."

She looked away. She broke from my hand and walked to her window seat. "Who's Tamia, and why didn't you tell me about her? I mean, I guess we haven't discussed our past. But you not telling me about like you hiding something from me? Are you not completely over her? Her eyes went wide. Are you still in love with her? My feelings for are strong, Noah-"

I laughed. She just went on a rant; it was cute. I walked over to her. Her eyes were still looking at the floor. I gently put my finger under her chin to make eye contact. She was crying. I took my thumb and wiped her tears. I knew Britt had told her about Tamia. She snitched on herself yesterday. We, girls, talk in confidence. " I honestly didn't tell you because I haven't been thinking about her. She hurt me, so I blocked it out. I'm over her, and no, I do not love her. I could never trust her again. Honestly, how I feel about you doesn't even come close to what I used to feel for her." She kissed me on the lips. Even though it was quick. I still felt the sparks. She smiled and laid her head on my chest as I stroked her hair. Damn, that smile always makes my heart beat a thousand times faster.

"Now, can I ask you something?"

"Sure," She said uncertainly.

"How come you don't talk about your old friends?" I know they are super close. There are pictures of them all over her room.

She tensed up beside me. She turned her head away from me. "What do you mean? I told you about them."

"Yeah, some, but you don't say much except about Bailey and Brian. How close you are to them. Bailey, the sister you never had, you did everything together. Brian has always been a big brother to you. He made sure you were always smiling and protected. You said there were 4 of you. What about Justin? I haven't heard anything about him."

" Yeah, I rather not talk about him. Her tone was cold and hard. She was on the defense. She softens her face. "Sorry, I shouldn't have gotten annoyed. We aren't on the greatest terms. I don't like to talk about it."

I nodded, understanding why her walls were up. But I can't help this nagging feeling that Justin wasn't just a friend. That their relationship goes beyond just friendship. "How do you feel about meeting my parents and grandparents?" I asked, changing to a lighter subject.

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