Chapter Fifteen

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It's been a few days since the Autobots left. I haven't payed much attention to what happened at Unit E, mainly because I've been focusing on my schoolwork. Soon, I'll be able to student teach, and I'm super excited. Well... and nervous... I'm not exactly the best at being at the front of the room. Unfortunately, I was distracted by a voice coming over the com-link. It was Bumblebee, calling for Ratchet's help. Someone had been injured, though we had no idea who it was.

Several hours passed by, and I had gotten quite a bit of my schoolwork done. I was just about to do one last assignment in the unit, when Optimus' voice came into my mind.

'Goodbye, my love.'

I immediately stand up, worry coursing through every vein of my body.

'Optimus? What do you mean?'

'My time has come.'

'Your time for what?'

'It is time for me to join the Allspark.'

My eyes well up with tears. 'Optimus, no! You can't! You said that we would always be able to talk to each other!'

'I am sorry, my love. Sometimes, things must change.'

I collapsed to my knees as I start to uncontrollably sob. Everyone watched me in surprise, none of them knowing what was happening.

'Optimus, please... you can't go... I need you...'

'I am sorry, sweetspark... I love you.'

'I love you too.'

'Goodbye, Astraea Lynn Thompson.'

I couldn't bring myself to say goodbye. I just continue sobbing. Tori tried to approach me but I spread my wings out as I screamed. Even I flinched at how painful my scream sounded. It was with that that I flew away, out of the base, and to a nearby forest. I landed next to a tree, falling to my hands and knees, crying my heart out.

"Why?! Why did you have to leave me?! I love you, Optimus! Why did you have to go?!"

There was no response.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~five years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I sigh as I shift my satchel, looking at the school building I now taught at. Many people thought that I had gotten over his death, when in reality, it had brought me into a deep depression. My students were the only things that kept me going. I had cut off all contact from my human friends, even Scarlett and Evelyn, who had no idea what happened.

As I entered the building, laughter filled my ears. I smile softly. All the students were excited, seeing as this was the last day of school. Though there weren't many students here, as classes didn't start for another twenty minutes. I make my way up the stairs to the second floor of the school, making my way to my classroom. Once I got there, I decided to play some music as I cleaned up the classroom a bit for summer. Unfortunately, the first song was one that reminded me of him. I couldn't help but sing along, fighting tears the entire time.

"I still remember, I was young
You put your hand on my shoulder
Then you were gone
I've been thinking lately
How it could have changed me
Oh, I wish you could see me now."

You changed me a lot. And I wish you could see how far I've come. I wish you could've been here to see me get a job as a teacher. You always did encourage me.

"Maybe I'm hopeless
But I'm only human
I hope that you know that I'd give it all for a moment with you."

There is nothing I wouldn't give for you to be back here with me. There's nothing I wouldn't give to see you again.

"These cold hands
This burning heart
Will always be hollow without you
I lost you
But all the love you left behind
Will always remind me
Remind me of you."

I let out a quiet sob. My heart is empty without you. Why'd you have to leave? It's been five years, but I still can't forget you... You'd think after five years, I'd have gotten over you... but... I haven't.

"So many years have come and gone
But every picture without you still feels so wrong
I've been thinking lately
What would you say if you saw me?
Would you be proud of what I've become?"

Are you proud of me? I hope you are, if you can even see me wherever you are... I just... I want you to be here... I want you here with me...

"Oh, these cold hands
This burning heart
Will always be alone without you
I lost you
But all the love you left behind
Will always remind me
Remind me of you."

"Maybe I'm hopeless
But I'm only human
I hope that you know that I'd give it all for a moment with you
Oh, maybe I'm hopeless
But I'm only human
I hope that you know that I'd give it all for a moment with you, oh."

You helped me so much... and now you're gone... I'm hopeless, aren't I? Whatever we had, it was hopeless wasn't it, because I'm human and... and you're not... Maybe you should have kept that rule in place... then this wouldn't have happened...

"These cold hands
This burning heart
Will always be hollow without you
I lost you
But all the love you left behind
Will always remind me
Remind me of you."

"Miss Thompson?" a young voice came from the doorway. I turned to see one of my students. "Are you alright?"

I blink before I notice that I had ended up sitting down on one of the many chairs in my classroom. I smile softly.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking, Russell."

The young boy grins. "Anytime, Miss Thompson!"

 I laugh softly. "Russell, you know you don't have to call me that, right? I've been working with your father for several summers now; you know me way better than any of my other students."

Russell blushes. "It just... it feels wrong to call you Astraea here at school, where students are supposed to show greatest respect for their teachers."

I laugh again. "How did your silly father manage to get such a respectable son? Denny sure picks his girls correctly."

Russell's face scrunches up in disgust. "I did not need to think about that..."

I laugh for the third time. "Russell Clay, you have to be one of my favorite students."

Russell grins. "And you're one of my favorite teachers!"

Before I could say anything else, the bell rings. I smile softly. "Better get heading to class, Mr. Clay. I'll see you tomorrow at your father's scrapyard."

Russell grins. "Bye, Miss Thompson!"

I smile softly. "See you later, Russell."

This summer was going to be an interesting one, I could already tell.

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