Chapter Two

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I took in a deep breath as Father and I stood in front of my apartment. I could hear movement inside and I sigh, before opening it and entering. Instantly, all noise ceased. I could see two of my roommates were in the middle of a discussion before I entered.

"Hi..." I say quietly. They instantly walk over to me, large smiles on their face.

"Hey!" one of them says. "I'm Scarlett!" I smile at her name, considering it matched her bright red hair. 

"And I'm Evelyn!" the other one says. Her hair was dyed a beautiful royal purple color. I give a shy wave.

"I'm Astraea", I say, my voice quiet and polite. They grin at me.

"It's nice to meet you Astraea! We just have one more roommate that's going to be here, and then it will just be the four of us!" Scarlett grins. I smile hesitantly, unsure what to think of her energetic words. I smile softly before looking around the apartment. We were currently in the living room with the kitchen just past that. There was a hallway off to the side and I assumed that it led to the bedrooms and the bathroom. 

"Oh, you probably want to set your stuff down in your room, huh?" Evelyn says with a large smile. I nod softly and she drags me over to the hallway, leading me to the third door down it. Inside I found two twin size beds along with one desk. There were two dressers at the end of the bed, along with a closet. I smile softly.

"Thanks", I say softly, gratefulness showing in my eyes.

Evelyn only grins. "We'll help you bring the rest of your stuff in, and then you can tell us all about you!"

I smirk at her. "Only if you tell me all about yourself."

Evelyn gapes at me, before laughing loudly. "So, you do have some spunk in ya!"

I chuckle softly and set stuff down by the bed next to the window.  Father had followed us and set some more stuff down next to it. I lead Father, Evelyn, and Scarlett out to the car where we had the last few things of mine. Not much but enough that it took all four of us to carry it back to the apartment. Once we got there, we all take it to my room before going back out to the living room. It was then that Father gave me a hug and kiss and said goodbye. I smile softly before plopping onto the couch.

"So... what do you guys want to know?" I ask with a smile. Evelyn grins evilly.

"Got any boys in your life?" she teases. A light blush covers my face, and Evelyn laughs.

"So, there is", she cackles. "What's his name?"

I shake my head. "That's classified information."

Scarlett tilts her head to the side. "Why's it classified?"

I smile softly. "He works with the government and not many people are supposed to know about him. I met him by pure chance."

They both groaned before shaking their head. "Okay... what about that man you came in with? Who's he?" Scarlett asks.

"That's my father, Jacob. He was in the military until I was about fifteen, and then he was honorably discharged. He worked odd jobs for about three years and then he started working with the government."

Scarlett's eyes widen. "Dang, you guys must be loaded then!"

"You could say that..." I mumble. "We don't normally discuss it, because we don't want to look like snobs."

"Dude, you haven't seemed like a snob since you came in! I'd say you're one of the kindest people I know!" Evelyn exclaims.

I chuckle softly before mumbling, "You remind me of Miko."

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