Chapter One

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It had been a day since I returned to base and Father decided to bring along one of his and Fowler's errands. It was a late at night when we were going back to base. I was bored so I contacted Optimus in my mind, just as I always had whenever I was bored. He responded quickly.

'Hey, OP, how ya doing?' I ask.

'I am well, Astraea, how are you?'

I sigh. 'Kinda bored, actually. Would've rather been with you than come with my father on this boring errand.'

'You'll survive.' Amusement filled his voice. I giggle quietly.

'Says who?'

'Says the one who would like to see you sooner rather than later.'

I smile happily. 'So, watcha doing?'

'Scouting an energon mine. The team will not be able to contact me.'

'You're that deep underground?'


I frown. 'Well, stay safe.'

'I will.'

'Later, Optimus. I'ma go annoy my father now.'

'Don't annoy him too much.'

I laugh aloud, and Father looks back at me. "Talking to Optimus again?"

I smile at him. "Duh. You guys are so boring with all that military stuff."

Fowler glances at me using the rear-view mirror. "You could be learning to do this stuff now."

I shake my head. "I don't want to though. My dream is to become an English teacher. I just have to get an acceptance letter to one of the colleges I applied for."

Fowler sighs. "You know teachers don't get paid well, right?"

"I do", I reply. "But I want to influence the kids I teach to be something great. I want to give them someone to look up to, to go to if they have a bad family life. I want to help the next generations."

Fowler glances at Father, who was smiling proudly. "How long has she wanted to be an English teacher?"

"Probably since she was a sophomore. She had these teachers that she really loved and wants to be like", Father says. I smile happily at his words, because he knew me so well.

Fowler was about to say something but stopped when bright lights suddenly lit up the car. I turned around to see a large semi-truck with... the Autobot symbol... The semi-truck looked like Optimus. It honked at us. Fowler waved the truck around while saying, "Go around, you jerk."

However, the semi didn't do that. Instead it bumped into the rear end of the car. I was jolted around in my seat and it made me so glad I was wearing my seat belt. The car was spinning around until we came to a stop, facing the semi. It was then that Fowler and Father noticed the Autobot symbol on the grille.

I blink before contacting Optimus.

'You're still in that energon mine, right?'

'Indeed. Why?'

It took me a moment to reply because I was jolted forward to Fowler putting the car in reverse.

'Because we're being attacked by a semi-truck that looks like you, Autobot symbol and everything.'

'How is that possible?'

'I don't know.'

Fowler jerked the car around and put it in drive and started driving as fast as he could. He started yelling at the semi-truck behind us. 

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