Chapter Nine

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I was so excited. Optimus was finally getting a new vehicle mode that would fit his upgrade so we would be able to go driving again soon. I had chosen to stay at base and do online classes instead for college. I was safer at the base, though I was going to miss Evelyn and Scarlett. No doubt they were worried for Tori and I, even though I had Fowler go and talk to them. 

Currently I was in the room given to me at the base getting dressed, deciding to wear something special for this Valentine's day though I knew Optimus didn't know anything about Valentine's Day. I was wearing a red tunic shirt with blue leggings. It was cute and it matched Optimus' colors. I smile at myself in the mirror until I notice my hair. My long golden locks were tangled into a huge mess. I sigh before grabbing my brush and pulling it through the tangled hair. Soon, my hair was waving about my shoulders. I smile and go to the door. I opened the door and almost stepped on a bouquet of orange tiger lilies. I furrow my eyebrows, curious about who would've left me flowers. I pick up the flowers, and find a note with them. 

'Hello, my sweetspark.' I smile at Optimus' nickname for me. 'I got you your favorite flowers. I know you're surprised about the flowers, but that is to remain a surprise for now. In the meantime, I will be waiting for you the main area of Unit E.'

I smile, though confused, but walk to the main area of Unit E. Optimus smiles when he sees me. "Hello, Astraea. Do you like the flowers?" Optimus asks. I smile and nod.

"I'm a little confused about how you know they're my favorite though", I say. Optimus chuckles softly.

"Your father gave you some for your birthday",  Optimus murmurs. I blink before a smile spreads across my face.

"Thank you, Optimus", I say with a large smile.

"Anything for my sweetspark", he says. I blush at the nickname.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that, you know..."

Optimus smiles. "Shall we go for a drive?"

I grin. "Yes! I want to see your new vehicle mode!"

Optimus chuckles and transforms. I smile in amazement at his new vehicle mode. "Woah! It's a military vehicle!"

"Indeed", Optimus murmurs, before the passenger door opens for me. I grin and hop in.

"So... where are we off too?" I ask. Optimus' holoform appears in the drivers seat.

"Wherever you would like to go", he says. I frown before my eyes light up.

"Can we go to ISU to see Scarlett and Evelyn? I want to make sure they know that I'm okay", I ask. Optimus doesn't say anything, he just starts driving.

"So... why exactly did you get me flowers?" I ask, trying to illicit a response out of him. His holoform only smiles softly.

I sigh. "I'm not going to find out until much later, aren't I?"

"Indeed, my love."

I roll my eyes at his words. "You're such a dork, sometimes, you know that?"

Optimus chuckles. "I thought you were the dork?"

My eyes widen as I hold back a laugh, trying to act offended.

"Me? A dork? Never..." After that I couldn't hold back my laughs. "Alright, we're both dorks."

Optimus smiles. "Indeed. But you're my dork."

I smirk. "Possessive much? That's okay. I'll be your dork as long as you're mine."

Optimus chuckles. "We have arrived."

I blink and see the familiar campus. I grin before looking at Optimus. "Come on, you gotta meet them!"

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