Chapter Ten

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"Test subject is awakening", an unfamiliar voice says. I open my eyes, only to close them again at the bright lights.

"Dim the lights", the unfamiliar voice orders. I open my eyes again to find the lights dimmed, and an unfamiliar face staring back at me. The face was female, that much was obvious, and she had her hair pulled back it a tight bun. I frown at her.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I growl, though it as weak due to me just barely waking up

"I am Ebony, but you can call us MECH", she smiles. "And you are currently in MECH's science department."

I frown. "MECH disbanded with the death of Silas."

Ebony laughed. "Oh, deary. We'd be a pretty sad organization if the death of one leader were to cause it to fall apart."

I blink before narrowing my eyes. "What do you want with me?"

She smirks. "We need a test subject for something we created, but I didn't want to use one of my men. So we kidnapped someone that seemed to have close ties to the military."

I growl. "How'd you get into Unit E?"

"That, I apologize, is classified information", Ebony grins sadistically at me. "Now... what shall we test first? The wings, or the antennae?"

I blink before narrowing my eyes at her. "How bout neither and you just let me go?"

She laughs. "Wings it is."

I felt a needle in my neck and found myself getting drowsy. I fought to stay awake but it failed.
Shaking my head, I found myself able to sit up, though I was in a large room that seemingly had no doors. I frown and growl. I stand up only to stumble when I found a sudden unexpected weight pulling at my back. I looked back to find myself staring at wings that were a brownish color. They honestly reminded me slightly of an eagle's wings. I couldn't take my eyes off them, shocked at what MECH had done to me.

"What did you do?" I cry out. Laughter echoed around me.

"We made you better than you were before, hopefully", Ebony's voice came from speakers in the ceiling. "It all depends on if you can fly with them or not."

I glare at the ceiling before a plan comes to mind to escape. "How do I get these wings to work then?"

"They are connected to your nerves, so they should just become muscle memory", Ebony says.

I frown before focusing on moving them slowly. I was surprised when they moved with barely any thought. I started flapping them harder and harder before I felt myself lifting off the ground. I frown before angling my wings to push me forward. However, what I was not expecting was how far they propelled me. I collided with the wall in front of me, before falling to ground. Groaning, I didn't bother getting up and instead just lay there, drifting in and out of consciousness.
It's been three weeks, and I knew Optimus was worried about me. Only problem was, somehow MECH was blocking our mental connection and I couldn't contact him. Not that I wanted to, considering I was a freak now. I now had antennae on top of my head that allowed me to sense things nearby. 

I dart out of the way as an axe comes flying at me. I was using my wings. They had been training me almost nonstop. I barely had any time to rest, but it kept me on my toes, at least. I sigh as I continue to dodge axes and arrows, and laser blasts. After several hours, Ebony's voice came through the speakers.

"Training is over", she says. I glare into nothing. However I was surprised when a door opens and she enters. I hadn't seen her since my first day here.

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