Chapter Seven

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I glare at the floor I dangled above. Megatron sure knew how to make guests feel comfortable. I was currently hanging from chains. I sigh as I roll my head around my neck, trying to get rid of the crick that had been there for the past few days. I knew Starscream would be coming in soon to make fun of me. To tug at my insecurities. Starscream came sauntering in and he smirked at me.

"So, how's our little pet doing today?" he asks. I move my glare from the floor to him.

"I am no one's pet", I spat. Starscream chuckles.

"Are you sure about?" he teases as he walks around me. My glare never left him. "The Autobots seem to have abandoned you to us, back when we were on Cybertron. That would make you an abandoned pet and us Decepticons took you in."

"They may have abandoned me then, but they will be back!" I spat at him. Starscream outright laugh.

"You must be an idiot then. The Autobots are dead! Including your precious lover, Optimus Prime!"

"He's not dead!" I scream at Starscream, though it was hard for me to believe it when he had not responded to me in the three days since the Autobot base was destroyed.

Starscream chuckles evilly. "And how could you possibly know that? You haven't been around them in so long."

I spit in his face. "I may not know it, but I can always hope! Unlike you slimy 'cons!"

Starscream reels back and growls at me. "If Megatron didn't have a use for you, I'd be wiping the floor with you!"

"Threaten me all you like, Screamer, you'll never be half the 'con Megatron is!"

Starscream growls again and storms out of the room. I sigh.

'Optimus, in the chance you can hear me, please come soon... I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep up this act around the 'cons...'

Tears started dripping from my face as I thought about the Autobots. I knew that the longer I was here, the less chance I had of returning to the Autobots. I fought back sobs but evidently they were heard because no longer than five minutes did Megatron come in.

"Ah, dear Astraea", he sneers. "Crying already?"

"Go away, Megatron", I mutter, not meeting his gaze, keeping my eyes towards the floor.

"Without cheering you up?" Megatron says. "Well, that would be a waste of coming in here."

I look up and glare at him, tears still streaming from my eyes. "The only way of cheering me up would be if the Autobots come and rescue me!"

Megatron chuckles. "Not if you have no memory of them."

I was about to make some sassy remark until his words finally registered in my head. "You won't."

Megatron chuckles. "Oh, but I will. You see, my scientist, Shockwave, is here and can make the experimentation successful. And I already know that you have had amnesia from the experiments in the past."

"One problem. I remember the experiments from the past. The amnesia didn't last. All it took for me to remember was to meet one person who experienced it with me", I growl.

Megatron growls at me, before leaning really close to me. I reel back. "What are you trying to do, kiss me? Yeah, that's never going to happen Megatron."

Megatron takes a startled step backward, evidently not expecting that. "Why would I ever want to kiss a fleshy being like yourself?"

I smirk at him. "I don't know. Why would you?"

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