Chapter Twelve

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I followed Soundwave to what appeared to be , where he restrained Ratchet to the same type of metal slab he had been restrained too mere minute ago. I silently snuck in, hiding in a crevice in Ratchet's armor, hoping no one would see me. When I heard Ratchet start to wake up, I flew into a corner, where I found a camera, small enough to not be noticed by any cybertronians, but large enough for me to stand on. And stand on it, I did, and I was grateful for it because it meant that I could watch what happened but also not be seen. Well, as long as Soundwave hadn't seen me in the camera before I stood atop it. And as long as there were no other cameras in the room. I had also moved from Ratchet's armor just in time because as he woke up, Megatron appeared. 

"What do you want from me?" Ratchet instantly snarls.

"Your assistance, actually", Megatron smirks. I blink. Well, that's unexpected. "To help complete a little science project."

"I will never cooperate", Ratchet growls.

"Shockwave does not require your cooperation to siphon your knowledge, Doctor", Megatron grins as a purple cyclops robot approaches Ratchet with a cord that he ended up attaching to Ratchet's head. I blink before shuddering, not wanting to be here any longer. Why did I follow him again...? I honestly have no clue. Megatron leaves soon after, but comes back several minutes later when Shockwave calls for him.

"And what did the cortical psychic patch yield?" Megatron asks as he comes into the room.

"Only confirmation that the synthetic energon formula is unstable, and the Autobot medic's work on it remains incomplete", Shockwave answers.

"Then it seems we must help Ratchet finish his work", Megatron grins. I shudder again. Megatron gives me the heeby jeebies. Megatron leaves the room, and once Ratchet wakes up, some vehicons release him from the metal slab, only to cuff him once more. They take him to the brig, and I follow close behind, hoping my movement will blend in with Ratchet's and the vehicons.

Ratchet and I (with me hiding, of course) were in the brig for several minute before Megatron appeared once more. Ratchet turns to face Megatron, as well as walk up to him.

"Are you done poking through my head?" he asks Megatron. "You didn't find what you wanted, did you? Or else you wouldn't be here."

I blink. Dang, Ratchet's smart. Suppose that's why he's the medic and somewhat scientist of the Autobots.

"What I want, apparently does not yet exist", Megatron says. I watch all of this in silence, hiding once again, on top of a slightly hidden camera.

"And that would be?" Ratchet asks.

"We would very much like you to complete your work on the formula for synthetic energon", Megatron smiles, though it was not a kind one.

"Even if I were capable, do you think I would hand you a limitless supply of fuel and ammunition just so you can turn around and use it on the Autobots?" Ratchet snarls. I blink. He really does not like Megatron.

"Oh, you misunderstand, dearest Ratchet", Megatron croons. "I intend to use your creation for the purpose of creation, not destruction. We have fortuitously discovered that your formula, when combined with cyber-nucleic acid, may in fact form the basis for an alternate cyber-matter."

"You are attempting to rebuild the Omega Lock", Ratchet murmurs.

"We stand on the verge of a great moment in time, you and I", Megatron says. "The restoration of our very homeworld."

"Collaborate with the barbarian who essentially destroyed our home-world in the first place? Who sadistically crushed Bumblebee's voice box while looking him the eye?" Ratchet asks before answering his own questions. "No thank you."

"Then I present you with a choice", Megatron growls. "Complete your research, or..."  Soundwave walks forward with a picture of Jack, Miko, and Raf.

Starscream chuckles. "Humans... always the weak link."

"Are these humans... supposed to mean something to me?" Ratchet asks.

"If not", Megatron sneers. "I am certain this will." A picture of the base appeared on Soundwave's visor. "As you must certainly be aware, we know the location of your current base. Accept my offer, and I will allow your fellow Autobots and human pets to remain... unharmed." Ratchet begins to seriously think about it. "Think it over, good doctor." Megatron then leaves.

One look at Megatron's face before he left was all it took to know he was lying about not harming the others. I instantly started talking to Optimus.

'Optimus, tell Tori to tell Ratchet not to listen to Megatron!'

I recieved no response, but when a look of confusion passed over Ratchet's face, I knew Optimus had heard me and passed along my message. A few moments later, Ratchet started looking around and I instantly guessed that Tori had told him I had followed but I wasn't about to speak aloud. 

'Did Tori tell Ratchet that I'm on the warship?'

Silence for a few moments, then an answer. 'Indeed.'

'Tell her to tell Ratchet to stop looking around for me, because I'm not going to reveal myself, not while the 'cons still don't know I'm here.'

A few moments later, Ratchet stopped looking around and I let out a quiet sigh of relief, knowing that if he kept looking around, he would give away that they had a stowaway, and I did not want that. After a few hours of Ratchet thinking, I suspect Megatron got bored of waiting, and decided to try and convince Ratchet some more. Two vehicons came and led Ratchet out of the room. I decided to follow in the vents, as they would provide a bit more cover for me. Unfortunately, I couldn't see what was happening. So I just had to go on my other senses alone, mainly hearing.

"I'm sure you would more fully appreciate a tour of our facilities if you were comfortable", Megatron says. What Ratchet said next surprised me.

"How do you know I won't use these to amputate?" he says. I blink before shaking my head. Sight would actually be greatly appreciated but I was stuck where I was until I could find a place that would let me get out without being seen, by cameras or anything else.

"And pass up the opportunity to see our molecular masking field?" Megatron teases.

"Your cloaking device", Ratchet says, awe evident in his voice. I sigh, knowing that if Megatron shows him all the cool techie stuff, Ratchet would agree to it. And boy, was I right. Because soon after I managed to get out of the vents without being seen, and following them at a distance, all the while staying near the ceiling, Megatron decides to show Ratchet something neither of us ever imagined. He had actually managed to reconstruct the Omega Lock onto his warship. I gape at it in awe but instantly withdraw myself when I notice that we were far above the Earth and I would be losing oxygen quickly if I did not leave. However, before I left, I heard Ratchet murmur something to Megatron.

"I'll do it", he says. "But you already knew that, didn't you?"

And it was with that, that I escaped to the safety of an oxygen filled hallway.

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