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"Mr. Gold?"

"Yes dearie?"

"I'm back."

"I see that I'm not blind."

"Okay, well I'm back for the cloning."

"Did you talk to Regina about it?"

"Yeah she said it was right because then I wouldn't have to chose."


"Yeah between Hook or Regina."

"Well your still going to have to choose."

"What you mean?"

"Well the clone won't have feelings so your going to have to choose between giving the clone half of your heart or not."

"Well of course I would give the clone half my heart so she could love Hook. "Oh your going to give the clone to Hook?"

"Yeah. Because I love him too and I wouldn't be here wanting to get cloned if I didn't."

"Oh okay. Well have a look around while I get the cloning stuff up and working."

I looked around for what it seemed like hours. It was really only 10 minutes. 10 minutes of my life that I won't get back. The bell to his shop dinged. I turned around to see who it was, my beautiful Regina. "Hi Regina, what are you doing here?"

"Getting you."


"Because getting cloned is not going to be needed."

"What you mean?"

"I mean you should choose Hook."

"What? No I'm choosing both of you. Mr. Gold is going to clone me and then I'm coming home to you and always being there for you and I'm never leaving."

"But..."I cut her off.

"But what? Nothing wrong is going to happen. The clone too will have feeling for both but when I'm done being cloned I'm telling her to be with Hook and then me and you will be together forever."

"But what if the clone stops loving Hook?"

"Then she will find someone else to love."

"Okay Swan the cloning is about to begin." Mr. Gold said.

I stepped in to the chamber and Regina grabbed my arm. "Emma don't do this."

"Sorry Regina but I'm doing it. I can't choose between you and Hook and this is going to make it a lot easier."

I responded as stepping in the chamber and closed the door.

Regina or HookDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora