Choose Regina

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I woke up with Regina's arms around me and mine around her. She's so cute when's she's sleeping. I wonder how Hook looks sleeping. I slowly and quietly went downstairs and started to make breakfast for Regina. It's the least I can do. I made her eggs sunny side up just the way she liked them. With toast and bacon and put it on a tray and brought it up to her. She was still sleeping. I guess I just have to wake her up. I started to tickle her and she woke up laughing. "Good morning Gin, I made you breakfast."

"Good morning Em, thanks."

"No problem. I'm going to Grannys to talk to Hook so I will be back around noon. Okay?"


As I was walking down the street to get to Grannys, I noticed to kids with sad faces throwing eggs at each others faces. They honestly looked like zombies. But obviously they weren't since zombies don't exist. Weird kids. Maybe they were sick or something. As I walked in to Grannys I saw Hook sitting in a booth and I walked over to him and say down.

"Hi Swan."

"Hi Hook."

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Everything. While not everything but like us and what I'm supposed to do. Regina made me feel loved even though she took my heart out and showed me that even though I don't have a heart I can still love. But she put it back in so don't worry. Im not heart less."

"Okay. while first of all you should fell loved. You are beautiful. I never thought I would love another girl till I met you. Second you should choose her."


"You heard me. I said you should choose her. I see the way you guys look at each other you guys really are in love. You guys are meant to be. But unless there was some way to make 2 of yourself so neither one of us will get hurt then do that. Mostly because I love you. But I feel like you will be better off with Regina."

"You really think so?"

"I don't think I know."

"Well maybe there is a way to clone myself. I'll ask Mr. Gold later."

"Two of yourself would be pretty cool. You should talk to Regina about it to. She might know something."

"Okay. Well I'm going to find Mr. Gold. Text you later Hook."

"Bye Swan."

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