The letter

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As I was walking back to Regina's house I felt something in my pocket. Oh the letter that Mary Margent gave me. I decided to open it. It read:

'Emma, I know you are confused right now and that's okay. Being confused is a part of life. Regina did change when you were away. She hasn't been happy since you left. She hasn't even came out of her house since you left. It was easy to tell that she loved you. Emma I love you too. You are my daughter. I will never stop loving you. I will never stop fighting for you. Even though I was the reason for Daniels death because I didn't keep a secret. I will not be the reason for another heart break. You do what you want. But I will always be your mother rather you like it or not. Regina has changed and you deserve her. She needs you. She needs a happy ending. Give her what she deserves. Trust me on this.



She gives me permission to be with Regina. She does deserve a happy ending. Because she's not a villain anymore. She's a hero. A hero that I will fight for and will fight beside, as a hero as well.

As I was walking back to Regina's decided that I was going to buy her flowers and chocolate and tell her about my feelings for Hook. But I will not tell her who I'm going to pick.

Walking in the flower shop I spotted her favorite kind of flowers. Red roses. I also bought a vase to go with them.

I also bought her chocolate. Her favorite kind. Dark chocolate. She is going to love me. I mean she already does but she's going to love me more.

I continued walking to Regina's house as my phone buzzed and it was Henry. 'Emma, hurry. I need your help'

'What's wrong Henry?'

'It's my mom, she's crying alot. she needs you. She won't talk to me.'

'Henry I'm on my way'

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