8 th Chapter: Repercussions

Start from the beginning

When the bashful female still refused to answer, the Wraith pushed at the human's mind. The beast continued to dig, until he could sense her prevailing fear, 'In this moment and she was terrified of him.' The Elder hissed tone-fully in disbelief, and withdrew his touch, from the female's flesh. It took him a mere second, to recall his own unbound anger. Realizing, the possible effects on fragile human flesh, weighted unexpectedly on the Wraith's soul.

"I-I-I-I... a-m, the, c-a-u-s-e..." The beast confessed painfully. He lingered close to the female's timid form. Much like a beaten puppy, silently begging its master's forgiveness.

"You warned me... Things, would be different... Out there. You won't surprise me... Next time." Amelia displayed a scornful expression that was difficult for the Wraith to ignore.

"Will there, b-b-e-e, a next time?" The Elder's hissed tone-fully. His yellow eyes examined the timid female's position, carefully. "Will you... Allow me... To undo, my mistake, A-m-e-l-i-a?" The beast's predatory eye glanced upward, to meet the females blue-eyed glare.

"You've done enough. Thank you." The Wraiths offer made Amelia nervous and she shied away from his soothing gestures, blinded by her own rage. She didn't want anything from the beast, 'This Elder is no different, then all the rest.' The bruised human's flesh didn't allow her mind, to focus on any other thoughts.

"U-n-a-c-c-e-p-t-a-b-l-e!" The Elder growled fiercely, forcing his feeding hand against the female's chest. Amelia gasped loudly, when the beast pinned her back against the wall. The terrifying Wraith continued to hiss tone-fully. The female's life, was literally, in the palm of his hand.

"No- No-No!" Amelia yelled, unable to fight the creature's hold on her flesh. The humans limited strength, left her unable to fight. She was hardly able to push against the Wraiths chest with her left hand.

"Do not struggle." The Elder leaned over Amelia's form, and released a pleasurable hiss. The beast weighted heavily against her sternum, causing the females form to freeze beneath the Wraith's terrifying attack.

Instantly, the female's sight darkened, as if she had blacked out. Yet, her mind continued to spin, unendingly. The captive human expected pain, instead her body was flooded with overwhelming waves euphoria. Her outward senses, instantly, dulled by an ocean of never-ending darkness and zero-gravity.

A single shimmering star started to glimmer brightly, far in the distance. The sight was enchanting, unavoidably mesmerizing, drawing her attentions toward its glowing center. Eventually, the light overtook her vision, completely. The starlight didn't burn, or blind, as a true celestial body would. Instead, this unknown source of light radiated with a burning warmth, that eased the female's unsettled fears. The added sensation of weightlessness was oddly comforting, as her naked flesh bathed helpless in the stars blazing light.

A drift in a sea of nothingness, Amelia quickly realized it was impossible to navigate, effectively. The light's source seemed, so far beyond her reach. The distance between them was peerless and ever growing. She could feel her heartbeat once, forcing her body to gasp for air. The exhale was delayed, hesitant, as if her flesh waiting for some unknown trigger to ignite her soul.

In the distance the star, pulsed, and in response, Amelia logo a breath, that rivaled, the first she took in life. The humans heart thrust again, and the starlight pulsed in secession, allowing the humans breathing to slowly steady. Each triggered breath brought her drifting existence, a tiny bit, closer to the unreachable light.

Waves of euphoria crashed into the captive female's mind, repeatedly. Each breath, she took, increased the intensity of the sensation, tenfold. Each radiating pulse of light left her drowning in a sea of unfathomable possibilities.

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