"Until I woke up a couple of days later as a vampire. When I told him I wanted to leave he bit me and made me his...I guess I'm his object? I am under a spell so it's near to impossible for my spirit to live without him."

I frown, opening my arms for him. Surprised by my own action he just shook his head at me and laughed.

"I don't need a hug. I'm fully capable of handling my emotions."

"I don't think so. It's clear to me you have a lot to say."

Oscar sneered at me, leaning against the wall with narrowed eyes up at me. I began to wonder if his lavender eyes and anything to do with this spell he believes he's been put on.

"Is that why your eyes are...?"

"Lavender? Yes. Once a vampire casts a spell of ownership over you, your eyes turn this color. There's only two ways to break it: the vampire breaks it himself or his death."

Raising my eyebrow, I wondered if that could be done on humans as well. I don't think it can be but what if Achille did that to me?

"Oscar...can that 'spell' be done on humans?" I ask, causing him to shake his head.

"No. You must be a vampire to be able to do such a thing. Either be the recipient or giver. I highly doubt Achille knows of such a thing... Don't tell him there is such a thing either!" He snapped, glaring at me as I raise my hands in defense.

"I won't, geez. Honestly depends though, if I need to tell him - I will." I state, Oscar smirking as he shook his head.

"That means you'll never have to tell him-."

"Not unless your owner tries to hurt him. What if he bites him?"

"He won't."

I frown at his words because Oscar was bitten. What makes him think Achille won't receive the same treatment.

"What do you mean 'he won't'?"

"Achille almost killed my owner, so my owner has a slight fear of him because he claims he's never felt such power from such a tiny person such as Achille. It's a joke to me but he always begins to tremble when he speaks of the incident. So you don't need to worry about Achille, worry about yourself."

Becoming confused I wondered if him 'softly' shoving me had anything to do with him having too much power. I slammed into a tree by him, almost was shoved into a street, he almost broke my jaw, was slammed onto the floor by him shoving me gently... Is that a sign that he is too powerful?

I thought it was just him being a vampire, of course he's inferior to me.

"Isn't it normal to have a lot of power? You all are vampires."

"Yeah, sure; but you aren't supposed to be able to shove someone into the street or slam them into a tree. As a vampire you're able to control your strength. It's very rare for a vampire to not be able to do so. Achille isn't normal, my owner told me so-."

"Stop saying 'my owner'! It's degrading! He was born with a name, use it." I snap, Oscar flinching at my sudden outburst. Feeling bad, I go to him and take the broom he's been holding.

I saw he was holding it so tight his knuckles became white. I got a feeling him talking about all this stuff wasn't easy. His supposed 'owner' put him under this spell and now he can never leave him.

Unless he dies or breaks it himself...

"His name doesn't matter. Go home." He snaps, dashing off with quick speed. But I was still curious as to what he meant by Achille. I know he is his own person, but I didn't know he was that...special...

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