Colt x Reader (WANTED) *Request*

Start from the beginning

I chuckled and swung my bad over my back, heading back to my home to check out my new fortune!


(Colt's Pov)

I leaned back in my sheriff chair with my hands on my face as random town's people shouted at me. The noise was killing me.

"Why did you let them get away!?" "That's the third time they have done this in the past three months!" "They took my record collection!" "They robbed my jewelry store!" 

"People, people! We are trying to get this sorted out! We will inform you when the criminals are caught!" Shelly shouted over the crowd. Nobody seemed to be calming down.


The room went silent instantly. Piper stood up from her seat. "We are working on catching the thiefs! Please return to your homes until we get this figured out!"

The room was filled with murmurs as people began exiting the building. 

"Thanks for that, I can already feel my headache letting up." I said as I got up to open the window behind me. 


Poco was now standing as well. "They were right you know. Those five have done that three times already. We just made the last wanted posters of the newer members of that team, should we start hanging them up?"

I sit back down in my chair and look over to him, "Yeah, leave me a couple of copies on my desk. I'll put them on the board outside later." He nodded and left with Rico.

"We need to think of a plan." Piper said as she sat down. "We really do. I might have a couple of ideas." Shelly sat on the other side of the room talking about how we could catch the criminals but, I was too distracted to listen.

I looked down and the the new wanted posters that were placed in front of me. Nita usually worked in the woods, so she wasn't too big of a problem until now. (Y/N) was new. I don't think they have done anything. If they have done something, I haven't noticed it before.

I can't help but to look at (Y/N)'s wanted poster. I keep trying to look away from it but, there is something that's so mesmerizing about their picture. I continue to look at the picture and when I finally looked at the eyes, my heart began to flutter.


Oh no.

"uh-oh" "What's wrong Colt?" I look up and meet eyes with both Piper and Shelly. "N-Nothing!" I quickly push the posters to the side with the others, I could feel my ears get hot. "Were you even listening?!" "I-I was!" "What did I say then?" "U-Ummm."

Shelly grunted and leaned back in her chair, face palming. "What were you even thinkin' about?" Piper asked, she sounded frustrated. "I was, umm thinking about... It's none of your business!"

"Ohhhhh shhhhhiiiit!" Shelly sat up in her chair, her eyes widened and she got a huge smile on her face. "You like someone!" "N-No I don't!" "Oh my, he's stutterin'!" They were both looking at me very strangely.

"Stop looking at me like that!" "You've done this to all of us!" Shelly shouted "No I haven't!" "Yes you have!" Piper chirped "You've done it in a couple of chapters now sugar! You deserve a taste of your own medicine." "'Chapters'? What the hell does that mean?" "Oh, nothin'! I'm just speakin' nonsense." Piper was smiling from ear to ear, leaving Shelly and I confused.

"So, who's the lucky person?" They were both looking at me, waiting for an answer. "I'm not telling you!" 

Just as I said that, a huge rush of wind filled the room, papers went flying everywhere, including the wanted the posters. I managed to catch some important documents but, the posters went flying into the floor near where Piper and Shelly was sitting.

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