He chuckles as the butler leave the room with the empty glasses of champagne while she rolls her eyes. He always liked to put on a show.

She goes towards one of the guests, a brunette wearing a red dress, and clicks her fingers. The woman shuts her eyes and she chuckles turning back to look at Sebastian.

"You were always the sympathetic one. I started to wonder when we first got together, back in 1768, that you were girl in our relationship."

He nods, in agreement, "That's because you don't have heart for humans."

She rolls her eyes, "Either do you. You have rounded up these people, like lambs to the slaughter. Obviously, I approve. Shall we get started?"

They both stand on opposites sides of the room, the guests on both sides of the wall in-between them, still staring into space. The room falls silent.

She casts her gaze on a silver serving tray, and immediately it starts to float in the air before she looks at the brunette standing in the row. Her eyes flash purple and it goes spinning towards her, slicing into her neck, cutting her head clean off. Her head rolls away as her body drops to the ground. Blood splurging everywhere.

He smirks before staring at two blond girls, his eyes flash purple which appears in the girls eyes. They turn and look at each other before ripping each other's hearts out. He then flicks is wrist and knives appear in the air before speeding towards Amelia. She rolls her eyes as she makes the tray appear in front of her, stopping the knives in there tracks. Then she send the tray into another mans chest, getting bored of the slaughter.

Blood has engulfed the once clean wooden floor.

There are now only 5 guests left and they blink, coming into focus. The potion that was in there drinks has worn off. They suddenly scream as they move into the middle of the room, to avoid the blood and bloody corpses. She sees the chandelier above their heads and she smiles. The metal chain holding the chandelier up, breaks and it falls straight on top of them. Squishing them, blood and pieces of flesh going everywhere.

She looks at Seth, "You never use enough Dragon Scales"

He rolls his eyes as he steps over the corpses, "Well, that was fun, wasn't it? It's been a while since a good slaughter, "He stands in front of her, "I guess that was tie."

"I guess it was. Shame, I really wanted to kill you."

He lifts her head up, "But did you now? Did you really? You could have killed me back then."

"I don't like to lose." She remarks, "I do like to hear them scream. Maybe I should be glad you didn't add enough Dragon Scales to your potion."

He leans in closer, "Do you really want to kill me?"

"No." She then leans in and kisses him. He kisses her back with a fiery passion as they hear police sirens come closer.

"I shouldn't have broken up with you." He says pulling away, "You are the only witch for me."

She smiles, "I know. But it was my fault, I shouldn't have ripped open that woman and gutted her alive before sleeping her with husband. I crossed the line." She nods in shame, "I should have waited for you to come and then we could have gutted her together."

"Don't worry darling, I overreacted. I shouldn't have taken so long. Now, give me a kiss."

The police sirens get louder and she signs, "Great, the bastards are here. Lets go back to my place as I have a man in my basement who needs to be gutted."

He nods, "Let's."

We begin to leave when the doors burst open and police run in. Great. They surround them and they both smile.

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