Woman In Red Part 1

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She smirks, feeling her blood boil in pure rage as she pulls out a blade, craving the action that will soon come to pass.

The vampire, bearing its fangs, charges towards her at inhuman speed. But she is calm, pulling out a blade as she flips to one side. In his confusion, she brings her blade to his chest, slicing through its flesh. As the blood spills out, it staggers away from her, shocked at her skill and courage. His face turns to one of horror, realising who she is.

He tries to run only for her to throw her blade, and its cuts his head clean off, blood spilling everywhere. The body staggers before collapsing to the ground, the head rolling down the street leaving a trail of blood behind it.

Picking up her blade, she wipes the blood off the blade using her cloak before continuing on her journey towards the capital.

Her instinct was to survive, and that's all she has ever done. Survive. But her chances of survival are slim, knowing what will come to pass will change the world. As well as most likely, get herself killed or something even worse....

Before long, she reaches the bottom of the dark tower also known as the capital. It's tall structure looks like it could pierce through the sky and touch the heavens. However, this was no holy place. Her eyes are stringing as the smell of roar flesh hits her, and she can taste it in her mouth. Her eyes twitch at the sound of muffled screams from inside, being silenced one by one.

Licking her lip anticipation as she pulls up the hood of her cloak, she disappears into the shadow. Her faint figure barely seen as she slips inside, cutting down any monster in her path.

The tower itself, is soaked in blood. The floors and walls are supposed to be grey but are instead red, soaked in the blood of the innocent. She reappears on the fourth floor, outside a room labelled 'control room'. Slipping inside, she pulls down her hood as she goes over to a metal control panel. She begins pressing multiple coloured buttons before the screens around the room begin flashing red, followed by the words 'self -destruct' as the alarms go off.

She knows her fate is sealed, her chances of escaping death, but she is fine with that. As long as she saves the world.

The tower begins to shake as the electricity in the building begins to build.

The doors behind her smash open and she turns to face the vampire, the leader. Without hesitation she pulls out her blade.

The vampire leader is male, dressed in bright red clothes but it's possible the clothes were once white and now are drenched in blood. As for the condition of the clothes, they are torn and cut in places. His hair is black and long, touching the bottom of his back.

Glaring at her in rage, he recognises her distinct appearance from the rumours and stories that he has heard. Stories giving those pathetic mortals hope. But he now knows the stories of truth, and he will never admit, he is terrified inside.

He speaks up, staring at the woman in fascination, "The stories are true, the famous Woman In Red exists. And here you are, in the flesh. You are just like the stories, even your appearance. Every single detail....." He moves closer to her, "You will die mortal."

She rolls her eyes, "Do you always point out the obvious?" She asks her voice laced with sarcasm, "Yes I am the famous Woman in Red, get over it. And for the record, I didn't chose that name. I'm just a hunter who's just good at her job, nothing more, nothing less."

He sees the flashing off the screen, his eyes widen, "What have you done?"

A malicious smile cross her lips with a hint of mischief in her eyes, "Can't you read? Its all over these flashy screens." She gestures to all of them as she explains, "I have set this place to self-destruct. We have a matter of minutes before this place goes up and we will both be blown up and ripped into millions of pieces."

Then she asks, the one question they have always craved an answer for, "So I ask, Why? Why did you attack us and kill so many? Why just us? Surely there are other village around you could have attacked that are bigger and have more people."

He smirks, "Because we were told to and its more fun."

The building shakes more violently, the walls cracking, fires erupting as the vampires are torn apart. The male vampire, charges towards her as she smiles and closes her eyes.

Times up.


The final shock of pain and nothingness that is the price that we pay for everything. In her case, she is dying to save the world from these creatures. Her name will be remembered. Remembered as the woman who saved the world, the legendary woman in red.

Her time is up.

Outside, the fellow villagers watch as the tower collapses, erupting into flame as it explodes. Pieces of tower crumbling everywhere and dust rises into the air. Flames can be seen burning in the centre followed by the screams of the beasts inside. As they are falling, burning and being ripped apart.

Most of the people cheered, cried or were just frozen in shock. The beasts were dead. Thanks to her sacrifice, peace can finally settle over the land. Their protector is dead.

Months have past, the village is calm and the streets are no longer soaked in blood. Instead they were clean with the smell of lavender and lemon grass in the air, instead of the foul smell of blood.

Her gravestone, a memorial of the woman who saved the world, now stands where the capital once was. The blood-soaked land is now healed, flowers finally returning to the once rotten soil. Her name is carved into the gravestone.

A woman approaches the gravestone, a sad smile across her face. The woman's in red real name revealed. It was her sister, Christina Clark.

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