Chapter 10 - A Call To Arms

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"I will hunt him down! He threatened me! He must learn his lesson!"

"Wow, you're braver now huh. Not scared anymore?"

"I'm a little scared but not that much anymore. Probably because I know Jorge is with me."

Sofia squealed. "Cheeseballs!"

Alice laughed. "Alright. I need to sleep now, Sofia. I'll call you on Monday."

"Okay. Sweet dreams about your Mr. Savior!"

"Please." She rolled her eyes. She chuckled and then hung up the phone.

She went to her bed and lied down happily. She didn't know what she's feeling. She can't describe it herself. She thought that she might be losing her mind tonight. She's out of her mind.

Hours later, it was already a busy morning inside the company. All got their heads on the presentation tomorrow. Alice was on her station, multitasking. She's doing the orders of the officers and tracking the user of the mobile number of the killer who chased her the other day at the same time. She called the network to locate and identify the killer but she received negative feedback because the number was already unavailable. It only meant that the user got rid of the card already. He's a wise man. Perhaps, he knew this one coming so he threw it away right before this happened.

Alice felt a disappointment inside. She roughly wanted to catch him but she failed. She can't take away the feeling of fear now that she knew that he could call and chase her any time again and might as well get his way to her and finally kill her.

She felt the cold sweat running down her forehead. She's as still as a rock now, frozen in fear and worry.

She remembered that the guy knew that he just checked out of their office thus she thought that he was somebody that she knows or might just be a stalker. But she couldn't stay calm and easy that it was just a stalker. He must be someone close to her. Right now, she couldn't just trust any guys easily because everyone is a suspect.

She wanted to talk to Jack to comfort her but Jack was too busy in his office. He's someone you couldn't talk to in days like this. Talk to him, he wouldn't lend an ear to you. Inform him about something, and you would end up being scolded and humiliated until you want yourself sinking from the ground and wished you never existed in everyone's vision. That is how mean he gets when he's busy.

She let him be. And she thought that she was not that close to him to talk to him anytime she wanted. They had a good time to know each other last night but she still didn't feel right to act too friendly around him. He's her boss. She still must show him respect and treat him with formality.

The whole day had passed and she already went home alone and fortunately safe. And then she got a phone call from an anonymous number again. She was very hesitant to answer it at first but she thought that she couldn't just keep on hiding and acting so weak. That's why she courageously answered the phone.


"Hello. Is this Alice Simone's contact?" The voice sounded firm.

She said "Yes. Why?"

"Can we take this time to talk to you? I'm Yohann Viola, a member of the FBI, and we just wanted to inform you about this case."

"What case?"

"We have been informed that your name was mentioned by Jack Kinley when he was still a patient in the hospital. The information was sent to us days after he escaped the place. According to the doctor, he said your name, labeling you as his next target. We are sorry for the late update. But don't worry because we got our eye on this case and we promise you, nothing bad will ever occur. We're critically working on it and we are not expecting for any failure. However, we still recommend you to be more careful and please avoid being alone anywhere. We didn't want to scare you Ms. Alice, but informing you about this is a must."

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