In Due Time.

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"LISTEN! You cannot keep letting ya past stand in your way, now I may not know anything you've been through. But I know a damaged heart when I see one. Stop being a damn victim and start being a survivor babygirl."

Sitting on the kitchen counter, I ran my fingers through my sew in as I listened to Momma Sonia. She was right. I need to start making moves for myself.

"I hear you and your right."

"I know I'm right, now you keep taking ya ass to that salon and stack ya bread, with a smile on ya face. Then you gonna buy a salon and kill it."

Hood Jesus 💙

Get dressed


Uhhhh okay?

Where we going


"Just get me some popcorn, water and some skittles."

Jeremiah decided to take me to this popular basketball game they have every year, for the best high school basketball players in Georgia. Packed was an understatement, black people invite every member of their family to special events. From grandma all the way to a cousin that ain't really ya cousin.

"You look good as hell mama."

Looking up, I grabbed the snacks out of Jeremiah's hand thanking him because I was too lazy to get up and get it myself

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Looking up, I grabbed the snacks out of Jeremiah's hand thanking him because I was too lazy to get up and get it myself. Walking to the bleacher above me, J sat directly behind me pulling my shoulders back so I was leaning between his legs.

Opening up my snapchat, I lifted my phone taking a video of J's mean ass. He was so busy mean mugging all the niggas that were walking in, he didn't even notice me recording him.

"Look at his mean ass." Immediately looking at my screen, he smiled making a gun with his hand wrapping his other arm around my neck. "You like this mean ass though." Kissing my neck, I immediately started blushing pulling away from him.

"We in public Jeremiah."

"I will publically, fuck you right here. Have ya ass swinging from the hoop rim." Spinning around appalled, I popped him in his forehead causing him to bust out laughing.

"JHENE!" Looking up, there was Chyna walking in the gym with this while old man I've never seen before walking closely behind her. What in the world? Standing up, I walked down the bleachers meeting Chyna at the bottom while giving her that "bitch what the hell" look.

"Hey gurl how ya doin?" I smiled hugging her, peeping her outfit. She wore a Gucci black jumpsuit, Gucci sneakers, and a long black fur coat. What the hell was going on?  Now my bitch ain't broke, don't get me wrong, but there is no way in hell buffing nails got her that. Looking from her to the man standing behind her, she laughed looking towards him.

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