Momma's Got You.

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"Jhene don't start that gibberish shit." Looking down at my crossed ankles, as Jeremiah made his way over to our bed sitting down, glaring directly at me so intense it was felt without even looking up. "Jhene. I'm tryna stay calm wit you cause I love and respect you, but don't make a nigga go left shawty."

"Jere...." Feeling the knot in my stomach become tighter by the minute, I took a deep breath nodding my head slightly. Slowly standing up from the bed, I made my way over to the bathroom standing in the doorframe just in case I had to make a quick run for it. "When you were away a few weeks ago, I uh, Jeremiah I'm so-..."

"J WE DONE!" Interrupted by the sound of Kingston's voice coming from the bottom of the steps, I immediately stopped talking looking from the bedroom door back to J who held an irritated expression upon his face.

"Don't move." Standing up from the bed, Jeremiah headed out the room as I stood in the same spot scared to take a step. Feeling a little lightheaded, I made my way over to the bathroom counter hopping up as I swung my ankles back and forth attempting to steady my breathing.

Hearing the front door slam, I waited as Jeremiah made his way back into the bedroom, which seemed like it was taking an eternity. Instead of returning to where he previously sat, Jeremiah walked into the bathroom sitting across from me on the bathtub rim.

"Um- the uh... they guy's left?" Nodding his head looking down, Jeremiah placed his elbows on his knees leaning into his hands, beginning to tap his foot at a fast pace while biting his bottom lip in a threatening way. 

"What's up Jhene, last time I'm askin." Mirroring his position, I placed my elbows on my knees as my ankles began to shake uncontrollably while looking down at the white tile floor.

"When you were in Atlanta, I uh... I went out with Briana for a little girl's night. And I saw him there. It wasn't planned, scheduled, nothing baby we both just ended up there. I..." Quickly wiping the warm teardrop that trickled down my left cheek, taking a quick glace up. Jeremiah tapped his foot at a quicker pace, staring directly at the floor with a blank expression across his face. "I drank... more than usual, just tryna keep up with Briana. I met his wife at the mall a few weeks back, when she offered to take us home... I knew I didn't know her like that but it was better than getting in a uber when Briana and I were drunk as hell. Ya know?"

"Who's the nigga Jhene?"

"Jere... they dropped Briana off and then it was supposed to be me but... but April had an emergency and we had to drop her off."

"Who's. The. Nigga. Jhene. India."

"He dropped me off. Walked me to the door. We only had a little wine, promise just a little wine. One thing lead to another... we kissed... only a kiss Jeremiah I promise I... I stopped it before it went any-"

"WHO'S THE NIGGA JHENE! WHO'S THE NIGGA!" Quickly gripping onto the bathroom counter watching as Jeremiah stood up from the tub walking over to me, holding clenched fist at both sides. Attempting to hop off the counter, Jeremiah quickly grabbed both of my shoulders glaring down at me. Harshly placing his hand around my neck, I immediately placed my hands over his watching as his big brown eyes turned to a matte black. Exposing the dark side, he tried to hide from me all this time. "I will kill ya ass. Think I'm fucking playing."

"Kin-King-Kingston." Dropping his hand from my neck, I immediately fell forward landing on the tile floor, gasping for air as Jeremiah paced back and forth punching his palm repeatedly.

"You- you really finna do me like that Jhene. I WAS THERE FOR YA ASS. PHYSICALLY. EMOTIONALLY. FINACIALLY... EVEN WENT YOU AIN'T EVEN WANT DAT SHIT. And you had that nigga in our home, the home we bought to plan a future wit. WHAT TYPA SHIT IS DAT? I NEVER LOOKED AT ANOTHER BITCH, TALKED TO ANOTHER BITCH, ENTERTAINED ANOTHER BITCH. YOU HAD ME ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PERCENT." Placing my hands over my face, I leaned against the cabinets as Jeremiah began punching the wall repeatedly causing me to jump as his fist connected to the wall, faster by the minute. 

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