Negative. Negative. Negative.

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"Nah you thought you could be all up in my crib fucking on my shawty, well let's see how gansta you really is."

Watching as Jeremiah pulled out two glocks from both sides of his jeans, pointing them towards Kingston I put my hand over my "a jar" mouth trying to hold in the screams.

"JEREMIAH! Baby it was a mistake please don't do this. Please." Moving his right arm in my direction pointing the pistol at me, I immediately raised both of my hands struggling to breathe.

"You sticking up fa that nigga... you deadass Jhene? Nah both of yall can suck my dick."


"Jhene... Jhene...Jhene." Shooting up gasping for air, I pressed my cold hands over my face as I took deep breaths trying to process the dream that had just taken place. Feeling a hand press against my lower back rubbing small circle, I slowly looked up meeting Jeremiah's eyes as he held a glass of water out to me with a concerned look on his face. "Princess you good, you sweating and shit... what's going on baby?"

Opening my mouth trying to speak, I quickly shook my head grabbing the glass from his hand downing the entire thing within seconds as placed the washcloth he held in his hand, lightly dabbing the sweat on my forehead .

"Thank you." I mumbled lowly avoiding eye contact, wiping the access water from the corners of my mouth. Nodding his head, Jeremiah tossed the washcloth in the dirty clothes returning in the bed next to me, pulling me against his bare chest.

"I don't know what's going on wit you, but when ya ready you know I'm here. Ever since I got back you been on some weird shit, I ain't finna press you but when you ready you ready. I love you aight, go back to sleep princess."





Holding the document against my chest, I repeatedly thanked God as I felt a small portion of weight lifted off my shoulders.

The day after the Kingston situation went down, I went straight to the clinic to make sure my dumb mistake wasn't going to affect me health wise for the rest of my life. Especially since he told me, him and April were in an open relationship, I prayed and prayed till I couldn't pray no more.

Placing the document back in the yellow envelope, I place the car in drive and began heading back to the house. I didn't really necessarily have to come pick my results up, but any chance I could get out of that house, I was taking it. I just couldn't bare to look in Jeremiah's eyes.

I just couldn't understand why I did that shit, couldn't even look at myself in the mirror this morning.

Pulling up to house, I scrunched my face, as I saw two white trucks parked in front of the house. Pulling into the garage being sure to close the door behind me, I walked inside the house hearing Jeremiah's voice coming from upstairs.

Placing my purse and envelope on the kitchen counter I headed in the living room, jumping when I felt an arm wrap around my waist. Looking down recognizing it wasn't Jeremiah's arm, I quickly looked up locking eye's with Kingston. Shoving him arms off me, I spun around pushing him off as I quickly turned around looking for a sign of Jeremiah. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"What I can't come visit you? Nah I'm fucking wit you, we installing yall TV's. You looking good in them tights, got a nigga trying to finish what he started." Kingston lowly laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist attempting to pull me against his chest, before I quickly slapped him across the face being sure to use the hand I wore two rings on. "SHIT."

"YO?" Hearing Jeremiah's voice at the top of the stairs, I quickly walked over to the fridge opening it as Kingston leaned against the counter holding his hand over his eyes as blood trickled onto his light blue shirt. "Damn... you drop a TV on ya face or some shit nigga? Wassgood baby?"

"Hey J." Lightly smiling in his direction, I grabbed a bag of frozen peas from the freezer sliding it across the counter to Kingston as I headed towards the steps, before Jeremiah held out his arm stopping me in my tracks.

"You really not finna show me no love boo?" Rolling my eyes forcing a smile up at him, I awkwardly wrapped my arms around him in a hug, as he stood stiff while watching me with a suspicious look upon his face. Pulling away looking up at him, I rubbed my hand on his cheek peaking his quickly.

"Better?" Twisting his lips nodding his head, I nodded looking back at Kingston who was watching the interaction with a paper towel and the bag of peas over his eye with a slight smirk upon his face. Squinting my eyes at him, I smiled back at Jeremiah as I made my way upstairs.

Going into the bedroom, I locked the door, immediately noticing the new TV that was hung on our wall. Jeremiah really went over the top with these shits, all of them get bigger by the room I swear we hardly have any wall left for pictures.

Incoming call from Chui Li 🔫👭...

"WASSGOOD YORKER, LONG TIME NO BRICK. I'M DEAD. GET IT... NO BRICK?" Watching as Chyna fell back against her couch dying laughing slapping her hands on the coffee table, as I sat against the headboard watching her not amused. "Damn... who pissed in my tea? You pregnant ain't ya, ooouuuu I knew ya ass was got bigger. IMA BE A AUNTIE! IMA BE A AUNTIE!"

"CHYNA... will you relax, no I'm not pregnant bitch."

"Aww. Why you sit there and watch me celebrate and shit?" Rolling my eyes, I took my thumb placing my nail in my mouth as I lightly chewed on it drifting off into my own thoughts. "Jhene. Sis what's wrong?" Slowly beginning to shake my head, the tears I tried so hard to fight back began running down my cheeks. "Talk to me mamas, Jhene?"

The more Chyna questioned, the harder I cried, completely oblivious to the fact I wasn't home by myself.

"Chyna... Chyna I-"

"JHENE... baby what the fuck is dis?" Looking away from Chyna, I quickly looked over feeling my stomach drop as Jeremiah stood in the doorway looking over my document that was once in the envelope I placed on the kitchen counter.

Giving me a minute to respond and not getting one, J looked up scrunching his face noticing the tears that were uncontrollably running down my now red face.

Swiftly looking back down at Chyna as she quietly sat there slowly placing hot Cheetos in her mouth, being careful not to crunch too loud, she immediately read my eye contact leaning in and ending the call.

"What's dis test for bae?"

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