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Aidan watched, the vestiges of amusement still lingering around his mouth, as his brother straightened his posture even further. 

"As a matter of fact, I do," Kieran said, and Aidan couldn't help himself.

"Don't say 'as a matter of fact'," he murmured under his breath. "It makes you sound even more pompous than you already do."

Mistral laughed out loud, and Veronique struggled halfheartedly to hide the grin breaking across her lips. Flynn merely looked about with a raised eyebrow, knowing that he was missing something but not particularly caring.

The muscle in Kieran's jaw started up flickering again as he turned to shoot Aidan a death glare.

"What does your plan consist of?" Aidan prompted helpfully. "He hasn't even told me, yet," he added wryly, looking around at the rest of the group with a you know how he is expression.

"Excuse us," Kieran said icily, standing and striding towards his suite. Cracking a mischievous grin to the rest of the group, Aidan followed.

Mistral rose and fell silently into step beside him.

"Ah, right--you're the bodyguard," Aidan commented, his mischievous grin unwavering.

Gaze flicking irascibly to Mistral as she and Aidan approached, Kieran asked, "What are you doing?"

"She's the bodyguard," Aidan chipped in helpfully.

"I'm the bodyguard," Mistral answered at the same time; their eyes met, Aidan's brimming with laughter and Mistral's coolly unamused.

The muscle in Kieran's jaw ticked once as he blinked before stepping back, allowing Aidan and Mistral entrance to the room.

Aidan's veneer of mirth disappeared as soon as the door clicked gently shut behind him. "What's your issue?" he demanded.

"My issue?" Kieran's eyes were twin shards of sea-green glass, the emphasis on his words placed carefully and dangerously. "I don't think that you're the one who should be asking that question."

Waving a dismissive hand, Aidan said, "I had to get you alone somehow."

"Perhaps, you could have asked?" Incredulous steel infused Kieran's voice. "Instead of undermining me in front of my allies?"

Aidan rolled his eyes. "A little healthy opposition never hurt anyone."

"Stop." Kieran's voice was sharp--a highly-unusual expression of emotion for him--as he gestured to Aidan. "Stop this posturing, or whatever it is."

His eyes sparked, but Aidan remained silent, and Kieran's gaze flashed to Mistral.

"Leave us," he ordered. "This is a private matter," he added, in a tone that brooked no opposition.





Lies and secrets all 'round, darlings! But, I suppose, what more can you expect from a novel that is titled Lie To Me? Be sure to vote and/or comment if you enjoyed this installment ;)

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