Chapter 20: The Door the Twins Opened / Until the day it becomes a pumpkin

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-The Host Club-

"Trick or Treat. Give me some Candy or I will play a prank on you."

Kosei sighed from where he was sitting in front of the piano as Tamaki talked in a terrible fake accent as a vampire. That's what all the Hosts were dressed as today. Fake teeth, cloaks, and all.

"Halloween isn't until next week, but we here at the Host Club a special Halloween week begins today."

"Gee, I wonder who's idea this was?" Kosei asked with sarcasm as he turned to see Kyoya writing in his black notebook with a smirk. "Whoever thought of it must be pretty smart huh?" He said walking over to the boy. "Do you have the Halloween themed music I sent you?" He asked, looking at the music sheets Kosei had placed on the piano. "Yep, even though I'm not a big fan of dressing up in costumes I do enjoy Haloween, and the music for today is fun." Kosei said with a grin. "I'm sure our guests will think so too." Kyoya said as the twins and Haruhi walked in, dressed in their regular school uniforms. "There you all are! Your late, hurry up and change into your costumes." Tamaki said from his table full of girls. "Oh, from now until Halloween day we're skipping club activities." The twins said in unison. "How come?" Honey asked. "We have a class event until Haloween, so we have to help get ready for that." Haruhi explained. "The party right?" Kosei asked. "It's not a party this year! We voted on a 'scare challenge' where everyone is going to be at the school after dark! And we are going to be doing super cool scary things to test everyone's bravery!" The twins said circling Kosei, wiggling their fingers in his face and trying to be creepy. "Really? That sounds interesting." Kosei admitted. "So, are you coming? All the freshman classes are invited. And I would like to have someone else there who has no idea what's going on." Haruhi said. "I was already thinking about going, a few friends from my own class are attending. And sense it's during the night there won't be any sports or art classes happening." Kosei said, thinking about his friend Juno. "You should totally come!" One twin said grabbing his left side. "It will be lots of fun..and SUPER scary." The other twin said grabbing his other side. "Alright! Alright! I'll come." Kosei said and the twins let him go. "Well I guess that it can't be helped that you all are working with the class. So consider yourselves excused from Club activities." Kyoya said. Tamaki began to protest, but the Twins and Haruhi quickly left the room before Tamaki could begin a real rant. Kosei sighed as Tamaki started to panic for no reason what so ever. "My daughter is going to be in the arms of those god forsaken twins ALL NIGHT! SHE SHOULD BE RUNNING INTO MY ARMS WHEN SHE IS SCARED!" Despite Tamaki's feelings towards the whole thing Kosei was pretty excited to spend the night with his friends.

-Halloween Evening-

"Wow, even being in school grounds during the night is creepy enough." Mika-chan said as she, Susie,Juno, and I walked up to the rest of the freshman group that had signed up for the fright-night. "If your already scared then there is no help for you at all." Juno said with a smirk as he creeped up behind poor Mika. Susie and I laughed as the two bickered. "I'm glad we're all in a group together. This will be fun. Class 1-A really outdid themselves with doing it at night so everyone could participate." Susie said as I scanned the crowds looking for Haruhi and the twins. "Yea, I think it will be fun, but apparently the class rep. for 1-A is easily frightened. And he someone got roped into being in the same group as the twins." Susie laughed. "No way, that's terrible luck." She said. "Oh, there you guys are!" Kurakano-san (one of the reps. for 1-A) said walking over to us. "It's almost your turn to go in. Just follow the signs and walk through the school. If you make it all the way through then you have passed the scare challenge!" She said guiding our group to the front door. "Thanks Kurakano-san. Do you happen to know where Haurhi or the twins are?" I asked. "Oh! They didn't tell you!? They are inside, their groups job to scare people who are walking through the school." She said with a smile, but the message wasn't received very well. "Oh god, were doomed." I said, fearing what the twins would try to do to us. "Maybe this wasn't the best idea after all..." Mika said, sounding scared. "Oh don't worry Mika. You got two strong men here to protect you from anyone trying to scare us!" Juno said wrapping his arm over my shoulder. I rolled my eyes at his goofy nature. "It's suppose to be fun Mika, even if you do get scared just remember that it's all in goof fun." I said with a grin. She seemed to agree, even though she was still nervous as the four of us walked through the front door and stared our scare challenge.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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My Lie In July (Ouran High School Host Club/ Your Lie in April crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ