Twenty two...

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Isaac looked around at his house one last time. He decided to leave the packed boxes in the garage and leave the house empty until he figured out what to do with it. One thing was for sure he was not going to come back to the town ever. He was going to stay at college dorms until he finished his studies. As much as a bad father Scott Sharman was he made sure Isaac was provided for.

Isaac had not heard from Jacob since they parted at his house. He was not at Alex's funeral and it was a clear sign that they would no longer be friends let alone brothers. Maybe he was to blame for the betrayal that turned their father into a werewolf. He had heard Nick left town and Jacob was taking over hunting.

The drive to college in the city was a few hours and Isaac was so tired when he got there he threw his bag in the floor and fell on the bed wondering with whom he would have to share a room.

The door opened and an awkward silence hung in the air as they looked at each other. Jacob thew his bag on the other bed and frowned.

"You stay out of my way and I will do the same" he said

Isaac was taken aback and then shook his head.

"It was not me who betrayed you. And you know that"

Jacob sighed and sat on his bed.

"Ok" he said "But I mean it, stay out of my way"

Jacob left the room and Isaac lay down again. He glanced at his vibrating phone and answered the unknown number unsure.

"I heard she finally died"

His knuckles went pale and he gripped the phone tighter as he heard Olivia's voice on the other line.

"If you ever come near me again I will kill you" he uttered.

Olivia giggled

"Thats not what you said when you were clinging on my lips. So how was losing your virginity and killing your girlfriend?"

Isaac threw his phone against the wall and it shattered into pieces.

Outside the room Jacob smiled at the smashing sound emerging. His took out his phone and dialled.

"When do you want me to tell him he buried his girlfriend alive?" Olivia's voice came through on the other line.

"Not now" Jacob replied "He needs to suffer some more"

Lisa walked through the graveyard with a spade over her shoulder. She began digging at a fresh gave until she reached the coffin. She jumped in and lifted the lid. Then she opened her daughter's mouth and poured a vile with red liquid in her mouth.

Alex opened her bloodshot eyes and Lisa gave her a  bottle of special red juice as she lifted her head up. Alex eagerly drank her full. She sat up gasping for her breath, her eyes wide.

"Isaac" she let out breathlessly as she touched herself making sure she was alive, as alive as she could be. She was a vampire again and not a hybrid.

"I need to find Isaac"

Lisa bit her lips and shook her head.

"He had a hard time letting you go" she said " Maybe its best letting him go" she reached out her hand helping Alex out of her coffin.

"Come on, we need to leave town"

Alex nodded confused and followed her mother to her car.


Isaac and Alex - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now