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Isaac gasped when he opened the door and lay eyes on Alex. She looked up at him and in that moment he forgot why he ignored her calls. Her pretty eyes widened and she bit her lips.

"You didn't call me back" she stated. Isaac drew his fingers through his hair.

"I was with Jacob and I stayed over"

Alex nodded. He beckoned her inside and on the couch where he took his seat next to her.

"I know he is a little wild and he drinks" she said "Did you?"

Isaac's eyes widened just enough to confirm. Again she nodded.

"And how was it?"

Isaac snorted. "The after effects reminded me why I never had a desire to get drunk"

She let out a laugh that made him laugh. Her laugh always made him laugh and her smile made him smile. He hated seeing her upset and let down like she did when he opened the door. He hated even more being the cause of that. He reached out his hand and took her hand in his.

Alex exhaled as she melted at his touch. She laced her fingers in his. It seemed like their hands were made for each other.

He lifted her chin and leaned in pressing a kiss on her pretty lips.

She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well you could have had me last night"

He lowered his head again and kissed her. She climbed on top of him straddling him between her legs and his breathing heavied.

"Yes?" he confirmed. She nodded and he kissed her again then threw her on the couch and crawled on top of her. His hands slipped underneath her t-shirt and then started undoing her jeans. She started undoing his jeans too. They were hot for each other and this was it he would be having sex for the first time...with his sister. He suddenly stopped and got up hastily fastening his jeans. She looked confused at him.

"What's the matter? I thought we...I thought you wanted to" she bit her lips.

"I want to. I want so bad but I, I have this thing Erastus wants me to do" he lied. He could see it in her face that she did not believe him. How would he begin to tell his girlfriend that he is her brother? He needed to stay away from her. She nodded then got up and fixed her clothes.

"Let me know when you are done then" she walked past him and grabbed him in front making him smile. She was so darn sexy. He bit down on his hand as he watched her walk out.

As she left Jacob pulled up the driveway.

"And?" She asked Jacob once he got out of the car "What are your dad doing here?"

Jacob shrugged "No idea yet. He didn't come back alone though, Olivia came with"

Alex raised her eyebrows. Her previous encounter with Olivia did not go that well since she didn't like seeing seeing Alex with her brother.

"And Isaac slept at your place?" she confirmed. Jacob nodded.

"In my room" he replied "Olivia wouldn't dare and Isaac would never"

"Of cause" Alex said as she looked back at Isaac standing at the doorway. She didn't want to sound like the jealous girlfriend.

Isaac came to stand next to Jacob and they watched Alex walk away towards her house.

"Did you tell her?" Jacob asked. Isaac shook his head.

"How do I begin to tell my hot girlfriend that I am her brother"

Both boys obliviously folded their arms in union as they watched Alex walk into her house.

"Oh my dad, our dad wants you to come over for dinner." Jacob said "Before you say no, just come, let's find out what he wants cause he didn't come to bond with us. I overhead him talking to Eric, one of the other hunters. The hunters are here too. Their main mission is always to eliminate all that is not human, vampires, werewolves, hybrids"

Isaac nodded in agreement. Jacob slapped him on his back and drove off.


Isaac and Alex - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now