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"Isaac!" Jacob called out the moment he entered Erastus' house.

Isaac took a deep breath and looked in the mirror in his room. He fiddled with his dark blue tie again. It was the most formal he had been since his father's funeral. He wore a black shirt and tie then opposed to the dark blue pants and crisp white shirt. Jacob barged in his room giggling. Jacob's black tie looked perfect and he looked quite alright in his black suit with white shirt. He took the initiative to fix Isaac's tie and patted him on the shoulder.

"You ready?"

Isaac nodded. Then Jacob handed him a small foil packet. Isaac rubbed the sides of his mouth and took the packet.

"You do know how to use it?"

Isaac smiled shyly as he tapped the packet in his hands. Jacob knowing he was a virgin was the result of drinking whiskey which tasted sweeter and better than beer.

"I'll manage" he let out as he stuffed it in his wallet.

Jacob nodded and threw his jacket at him.

"Lets go get the girl"

When they stepped into the living room a light flashed at them. Erastus smiled pleased as he fiddled with his phone.

"One for the yearbook too" he let out as he waved his hand for the boys to scoot together. Isaac and Jacob glanced at each other and threw an arm around each other's necks simultaneously. They each held two fingers up behind each other's head.

Erastus snapped the picture. He could easily be mistaken for a proud father a right He deserved not only because He became Isaac's legal guardian who just turned eighteen but also cared for Jacob. He took the initiative to involve himself in Jacob's studies pointing out where He needed to improve and regulary checked up on him something Jacob's father forgot to do over the years. Erastus cleared his throat and held up a finger.

"Do I need to tell you boys to be cautious and use protection. Teenage pregnancy is caused by Matric farewells quite cliche and being intoxicated from either drugs, alcohol or both affects your reasonable thinking and makes you do things you regret..."

"We're ok" Isaac let out as he interrupted Erastus "Really, we covered sex education, drugs and alcohol at school. We'll be careful reallt"

Erastus nodded and let out a deep breath.

"Good" he waved his hand at the door "Go on get out of here"

Isaac gasped slightly when he saw the black limo outside. Jacob smiled chuffed when he noticed the look on Isaac's face.

"I figured we need to go out in style."

They climbed in and Isaac was even more impressed with the inside. He sank down on the leather seat and glanced at an ice bucket with a bottle of champagne and three champagne glasses around it.

They drove to Alex's.

Alex sucked in her breath as she gazed at her mirror. She was very pleased with the dress and thought she looked beautiful. She was more pleased thinking that Isaac would love it as well. The white chiffon dress fitted perfectly. She was concerned about the sweet heart neckline thinking that it would expose too much but that did not seem like its.

Elizabeth gasped when she stood at the doorway and grasped both hands to her mouth for a moment.

Alex smiled shyly and chuffed at her mother's reaction.

"I always feared that I would never see this day" Elizabeth let out and they both shared a silent moment. She gathered her daughter in her arms and hugged her. Then she let go and pressed a kiss on her forehead. Suddenly a light flashed and they saw Derick snapping pictures of them.

"Perfect" he let out and gazed amazed at his daughter. Then he cleared his throat.

"I don't know how much your mother told you but just be careful. At night's like this on special occasions one tends to make things more special if you know what I mean. I don't want to hurt Isaac for putting you in a situation that could alter your future and-"

Alex held up her hands.

"Dad, stop-stop-stop" she let out giggling embarrassed. "Mom and I had talks and I know. We are being careful"

Derick sighed relieved.

"Good because if you are not-"

"Dad" Alex interrupted again. She bit down on her lips. "I'm a virgin. We both are so we don't..."

Both Derick and Elizabeth sighed relieved. Elizabeth clapped her hands together.

"Ok, I just heard a car pull up"

Derick stepped aside letting her pass. He put his arm around Alex's waist and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"You know if he hurts you I will break his neck"

She giggled and nodded.

"I know Dad."

"I love you"

"I love you too"


Isaac and Alex - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now