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Alex succeeded in ignoring Isaac's calls for a full day and a half even though something tugged at her heart every time his name popped up on the screen of her phone. By nightfall her phone vibrated again only this time it was not Isaac. Olivia send a picture of herself, Isaac and Jacob entering a nightclub. Alex bit down on her lips and she knew she was losing it when she pulled open her closet door and searched for an outfit to wear to a nightclub. All she knew was that she had to make sure if the old Isaac she knew was still in there somewhere.

Isaac sucked in his breath when he walked into the nightclub. It was something new for him and he did his best to keep up an appearance much like Jacob and  Eric in the sense that he was used to this lifestyle. The boys made their way to the bar and Jacob ordered drinks. They turned around simultaneously and glanced at the dancing crowd.

Olivia wasted no time dancing on the dance floor and she was not alone for long. There was no doubt that she was a sight for sore eyes and her tight fitting jeans and sleeveless top was hard not to miss.

"Should she even be outside?" Isaac asked

Jacob shrugged.

"Well, she's always been rebellious so our father agree that she could go out as long as I am with and she goes home with us which is why he got her a fake ID"

Isaac snorted thinking that Nick Ezra had an unusual way of parenting but he was mostly a single parent. Olivia winked at Isaac and licked her lips all around even with a stranger's hands all over her body. Isaac blushed and sipped on the drink Jacob ordered.

Isaac got wasted all the while thinking of Alex. He pulled out his phone a few times until Olivia dragged him to the dance floor and he danced with her. She draped her arms around his neck and the pressed her lips against his. He was taken aback and glanced at her confused. She smiled and kissed him. This time darted her tongue in his mouth. He kissed her back for a moment but then pushed her away. He looked up at the entrance and his eyes fell on Alex's face. Her eyes widened and she rushed out the door. Isaac unwrapped Olivia's arms around his neck and pushed through the crowd outside the nightclub.

It was pouring outside and Alex welcomed the wet water washing over her as she gasped for air.

"Alex wait!"

She spun around to face Isaac. Even in the pouring rain he looked different.

"What, Isaac? What do you want because it sure isn't me you were kissing in there?"

He drew his fingers through his wet hair.

"I'm so sorry"

She bit her lips then crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why are you always over there instead of with me? What is over there? We used to tell each other everything. Why are you keeping things from me?"

She swallowed back tears daring to emerge. Isaac stepped back and though he wanted to kiss her and tell her he loved her, he decided otherwise.

"I love you" she sobbed not caring that her tears spilled. It was raining after all she was just adding to that.  He bit down on his lips and shook his head.

"I don't love you anymore" he lied. He was thankful for the rain so she could not see him cry with her.

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around his neck but he took her forearms and unwrapped her arms around his neck.

"Go home Alex" he let out then turned and walked back inside.

Alex sank down crouching as she cried. Isaac swallowed his tears. Boys don't cry especially not over a girl. Jacob spotted the look of defeat on his face.

"Do you want to leave?"

Isaac shook his head and waved at the barman. He got so drunk he didn't mind waking up half naked again in his bed at the Ezra house.

Isaac and Alex - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now