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*It's best to listen to Dermot Kennedy, Lost when reading this chapter*

Isaac took a deep breath. He held his hand up to knock on Erastus' door but decided to just open the door instead. It was after all his home for a while. His eyes fell on a suitcase and duffel bag near the door. He looked up and into Lisa Sharman's eyes. He frowned.

"Were you going to leave without saying goodbye or hello?"

She bit her bottom lip.

"Isaac I"

"You what? You cheated me with a life I could have had, a perfect one without being beaten up by your pathetic husband"

"And I'm so sorry for that"

"Why? Why did you stay with him? If you wanted me why didn't you treat me better, loved me more"

"I am really sorry"

She reached out her hand but Isaac stepped back. His face distorted as if a nasty stench drifted in.

"You know I never want to see your face again. I'll only forgive you because at least she got the better deal and he didn't get to beat her up"

Isaac walked away. He got in the car and took a deep breath. He slammed his fists on the dashboard incidently leaving a dent. He threw his head back and pulled at his hair then he took out his cellphone and scrolled down to Alex's number. He resisted the deep urge to call her and his thumb hovered above her name before he decided to drive off.

Alex looked around her pink room. She packed her clothes in a duffel bag and came to realize for a teenage girl she did not have as much as she should. She glanced at her open closet at her white dress. She didn't realize she was crying until a tear dripped from her face. She put her hand on her chest. This was what a broken heart felt like. The father she came to know left. The mother she came to know had a son who broke her heart because he thought they were brother and sister. It wasn't just that but the fact that Isaac changed when he became mixed up with the Ezras. He didn't even drink alcohol and he only had time for her when they were together.

Alex took a deep breath and wiped her forearms over her face. She took out her cellphone. Her thumb hovered above Isaac's name. She hesitated long thinking about how much she missed his voice. Then she bit down on her lips before she deleted his number. If she had to start over she shouldn't take the past with her.  She scrolled down to Jacob's name. She sent him a text instead fearing that she would cry again.

She glanced arounf her pink room for the last time and before she left. She was relieved to leave before Elizabeth came home so she could avoid awkward goodbyes but also so she could savour her tears. She wouldn't know how to say goodbye to her mother.

Alex took a deep breath as she got into the car with Lisa Sharman.

Jacob contemplated as he walked to Isaac's room and saw Olivia taking off her shirt as she lowered herself onto Isaac. He decided not to tell Isaac and he read Alex's text again. Then he replied.

"Safe journey"

As much as he hated saying goodbye to his best friend again he was used to people leaving him. He was man enough to accept goodbyes.

Alex stared out the window of the car as they left the town she spent her whole life so far in. She bit down on her lips forcing back tears daring to come out. From the corner of her eyes she saw Lisa reaching out her hand. She held up her own hand stopping her.

"Don't" she let out "I know you did what you had to because I was sick and you didn't want a sick child"

Lisa shook her head.

"I looked at Elizabeth and I knew she could you give you the loving home you deserved. I just couldn't"

The journey was taken in awkward silences as Alex sipped on the juice Elizabeth made for her that morning. She would have to do that herself from then on.

After a few hours Lisa announced that they have arrived at her parents' house and Alex got to meet her grandparents for the first time. Her grandmother looked sad and somewhat disappointed as she wrapped her arms around her in empathy.

"She will not be able to learn as spells can only be done by the living" she said to Lisa who protectively stood behind Alex.

Alex's grandfather just glared at her before he retreated to his room.

"I am not his favourite" Lisa explained "Mostly because I ended up with your father"

Alex second guessed her decision to come along until she stepped into her room, a room that was Lisa's. It was surprisingly simple looking like Isaac's room. It could have been a girl's or a boy's room. She sat on the bed and lay on her back staring at a ceiling different from her old room. She pulled out her phone and stuck her earphones in her ears. A song like Dermot Kennedy's Lost echoed in her mind as she thought of what she left behind as she thought of Isaac. She was so lost when he found her and now he left her in the dark again. She felt tears stinging her eyes and let them fall freely.

Isaac lay on his bed staring at a ceiling in the Ezra house he was now getting used to. He pulled out his phone and stuck his earphones in his ear. He sighed as a song like Dermot Kennedy's Lost blazed through the small speakers. Immediately he thought of Alex and he smiled slightly. She deserved better than him. He was not made to be happy. All he ever knew was dissapointment and after promising never to break her heart he did exactly that. He didn't swallow the tears that streamed down his face. He deserved to cry for what he let slip through his fingers.

Jacob switched on his phone as he punched away on a punching bag in the gym outside his house. The moment he heard a song like Dermot Kennedy's Lost he thought of Alex and he hoped she find the happiness she deserved. For a moment he thought it was Isaac but Isaac was an Ezra and Ezras think of themselves first. Maybe Alex was better off where she was without them. He just hated being the worst best friend to her and hoped his ammends was enough.

Isaac and Alex - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now