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"Maybe you should talk to him, find out what he wants and what their plans are as hunters?" Isaac said to Jacob as he handed him a beer and gave Alex a glass of berry juice.

"He won't tell me anything. He knows I am friends with you guys"

"Yeah but you can still sneak around and eavesdrop on things"

Jacob nodded in agreement. He owed that much and more to his friends for saving his life. Alex's phone vibrated. She glanced at it and downed her drink.

"I have to go. My dad want me home so I'll see you guys later" she lifted herself up on her toes and pressed a kiss on Isaac's lips. He smiled slightly as he watched her leave.

Jacob snorted.

"You are so in love its funny"

Isaac shrugged. "Come on its not like you haven't been in love before"

This time Jacob shrugged. "It's best for me. I can't be tied down" they shared a giggle and Jacob finished his beer.

"It's Friday night. I'll pick you up later, boys night" he tapped Isaac on the shoulder and left. Isaac did not protest. It was not like he had any plans.

Isaac got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping from his body. He reached for his vibrating phone.

"My mom and Dad will be back much later tonight we could..." Alex let out on the other end of the line.

Isaac snorted and wiped his face.

"I promised Jacob I would go out with him"

"Really?" Alex lifted her eyebrows.

"Yeah, kind of like a guys thing. I could say no-"

"No no no "she interrupted."Go, please. I think its great that you guys get along. Just, no girls okay?"

He snorted.

"I wouldn't dream of it"

"I love you"

"I love you"

Isaac looked around the house. He didn't unpack anything yet. He didn't know where to start or maybe he was subconsciously putting things off. He glanced at a picture of his father and mother. That was the reason why. His boxes of books remains unpacked. He was sleeping at Erastus and during the day he would go to his father's house. He had not called the lawyer about the will either. He didn't want to know and postponed appointments every time he would get a call.

Alex lay on her back on her bed reminiscing about Isaac's kisses. All she could think about was what almost happened in the hotel room. But he was patient and she should not be in a hurry.

"Alex?" she startled when she heard her mother's voice and sat up.

Elizabeth fumbled with her hands then wiped them on her jeans.

"We never talked about boys" she began and Alex lifted her eyebrows at her.

Alex lifted her hand in the air.

"Mom. Isaac and I we don't. I mean we want to but we also want to wait"

Elizabeth sighed relieved

"Good but I also want to talk to you about love" she walked closer and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Do you love him?"

"Yes" she replied without hesitating. Elizabeth nodded worryingly.

"There's always someone who loves more in a relationship. They both can love but one loves more. The more you love the more you give the more you open up yourself and in some tragic cases be broken"

"Mom we don't plan to break up. He loves me. I know he does and he won't hurt me"

"I know that he would do anything for you. I just don't want to see you get hurt that's all."

Alex snorted.

"That's the worst pep talk ever, Mom"

Elizabeth shrugged. "Yeah well. I just love seeing you happy. I couldn't bear seeing you.." she swallowed hard as she recalled the past and quickly composed herself "But it's over. I'm glad it's over" She left the room then exhaled as she looked up into Derick's eyes.

"Is everything okay?" he asked concerned. She nodded.

"Okay" he said and walked over pressing a kiss on her forehead. It was clear who loved more in their marriage.

Isaac got dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans. He grabbed the keys to his father's car and drove off to meet Jacob at a bar.

"So you didn't tell me what exactly happened"

Isaac snorted.

"I was hoping you wouldn't go there"

Jacob laughed "How can I not? You need to get some."

"I'm ok for now"

"She's quite a catch. If only I played my cards-"

"Wow" Isaac interrupted holding his hand up in the air "Let's not go there. I don't want to know what you almost did with my girlfriend"

Jacob leaned over Isaac's shoulder and greeted a blonde haired girl he left with at the matric farewell. Isaac leaned over and looked at her.

"You know I don't recall seeing her at school"

"It's those quiet ones that you should watch out for"

They shared a laugh and Jacob ordered two Jaggermeister shots. Isaac sighed. More drinking but he took it anyway and spent the night listening to Jacob planning on how he would scheme spying on his father. In between the shots Isaac lost track. He remembered the room spinning and laughing at everything. Jacob drove them home in Isaac's father's car. Isaac followed him upstairs and passed out in Jacob's room.

Isaac and Alex - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now